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Sodom and Gomorrah

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Q: What cities did God destroy because of their wickedness?
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What was Jonah's message to the people?

Jonah's message was that God was going to destroy the city of Nineveh for its wickedness. The Ninevites were smart enough to take that message and quickly change their ways, thus earning God's mercy.

Which two wicked cities did god destroy in the book of genesis?

These cities were Sodom and Gomorrah.

Why did God decide to destroy all life on earth?

God destroyed the world in the flood during Noah time. _____________ God decides to destroy the world by flood because of human wickedness and violence. Unfortunately this solution is ineffective because God observes after the flood that humans are irrevocably sinful ("every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood"). Consequently, he decides that the earth should never again be destroyed by flood.

The two cities that God burned because of their sinfulness?

The two cities that God burned because of their sinfulness are Sodom and Gomorrah, as described in the Bible in the book of Genesis. God destroyed these cities with fire and brimstone due to their great wickedness and immoral behavior.

Why would a loving god permit wickedness?

He didn’t, the devil did and does! Adam chose to eat the fruit and brung sin into this world, would you want to be like a puppet and not free, God gives us the chance to either do wickedness or to go by His word. God is letting the devil have his time, but in the end, God will destroy all wickedness and will lock the devil up for a thousand years and there will be peace on earth, then after a thousand years, then He will put the devil in the lake of fire.

Why was lot wrong in choosing to live in sodom and gomorrah?

Lot was wrong to choose to live in Sodom and Gomorrah because the cities were known for their wickedness and sinfulness. By living there, Lot exposed himself and his family to the corrupt and immoral environment, putting their spiritual well-being at risk. Ultimately, the cities were destroyed by God due to their extreme wickedness.

Did God flood the earth to get rid of homosexuals?

God brought the great flood to destroy humankind for all their forms of wickedness.

Why will God destroy the whole world if he loves His creation?

God would destroy the world just because of this reason: He does love His creation, but we as fallible humans have corrupted many things. God as a righteous and holy God cannot be in the presence of wickedness. So in the length of time given to the world for existence (as determined by God), He gives all mankind a chance to have a relationship with Him to come to repentance and be saved by His grace. If someone does not choose Him, they will suffer eternal consequences. Because of the corruption of the world, God will one day destroy it, just as a parent still loves their child while disciplining them.ANSWER 2:Nowhere in the Scriptures does it say that God will physically destroy the world. There are prophesies of destruction of many things, including certain nations, but none of the prophesies pertain to destruction of the entire planet.

Which chief god called for the extermination of civilization?

There is only one God and that is God the Father of us all.We are His childen.It was He who commanded that all should, as you say, be exterminated because of their wickedness. Only eight souls were saved because of their righteousness.

What is psalm 36 about?

It is about human wickedness and divine goodness of god.

Why is the devil trying to destroy your world?

Because he hates god!!!

Why did Jesus flood the world?

He caused a great flood to destroy the World of old because, as it says in Genesis 6:5-7 "And God saw the wickedness of man...I will destroy man whom I have created..." He caused the flood because man sinned greatly. And since He created the world He had every right to do as He pleased or saw fit. It also helps that He is all knowing and so knows exactally wht needs to be done.