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The Catholic Church was founded by Christ and his apostles.

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Q: What church was founded by Christ's apostles?
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Who are the twenty apostles?

In Christs Church organization there was 12 apostles, not 20.

Who founded Catholicsm?

The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles.

What is the mark of the Church that identifies the Church as founded by Christ and the apostles?

The Church is Apostolic.

Who is the founder of the Roman Church?

Jesus Christ set the ground work and the apostles, principally Peter and Paul, then founded and spread the Church along with the other apostles.

Who founded the apostolic faith?

Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, when He ordained the Apostles as the first Bishops of His Church at the Last Supper.

What does ccv mean?

ccv means Christs Church of the Valley.

When was the Catholic Apostolic Roman Church founded?

If you are referring to the Catholic Apostolic Church, it was founded (although not under that name) in 1835 in England by some "apostles", the last of whom name in the early 20th century, and the Church came to nothing soon after that.

Who founded the church here on earth?

Jesus Christ founded his Church here on Earth. He tells Peter and the Apostles his plan to create a Church in Matthew 16. He establishes that Simon (who he bestows the new name, Peter) should be the first Pope of the Church. The Church was not technically founded until Christ sent down the Holy Spirit which happened 10 days after his Ascension in what we now call Pentacost Sunday. After this happened, Peter and the Apostles eventually broke apart and went their own ways. When Peter reached Rome, he established the Church as an institution. That is, the Church had a physical home and an office of Bishop, a teaching authority (called the Magisterium), etc.

When was Church of the Holy Apostles - Manhattan - created?

Church of the Holy Apostles - Manhattan - was created in 1846.

Did Orthodox church is the second largest denomination?

The Orthodox Church is not a denomination. The Orthodox Church is the original Christian church, founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles. "Denominations" are the Christian groups which trace their histories back to splitting off from the Orthodox faith.

What church was left by Jesus Christ?

The church that Jesus Christ left on earth, was the Christian church, His Church, founded by his apostles. But what churches are these exactly. 1. The Church of Rome founded by the Apostle Peter and Paul 2. The Church of Constantinople founded by the Apostle Andrew 3. The Church of Alexandria founded by Mark the Evangelist 4. The Church of Jerusalem which was founded by Jesus himself, the continuation of his work in Jerusalem. 5. The Church of Antioch founded by the Apostle Peter. Each of these five churches before the East-West schism, formed the One true Holy and Catholic Apostolic Church, and it is from these that all other Christian denominations find their routes. Over time these churches witnessed internal schisms such as the protestant reformation which gave birth to the protestant churches. Therefore the church that Jesus Christ founded was the Christian church in all of its variation and glory

In what church was the Anglican Church founded?

the church that the anglican church was founded was the catholic church.