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ordinary time

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Q: What church season follows Easter?
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What liturgical season follows Easter?

Ordinary Time

Which church season starts on holy Saturday?

Holy Saturday is part of the Easter season.

What is the favorite word of the church used especially during the Easter season?


What are the church seasons?

For most Christian denominations, lent is the season before Easter, Pentecost is after Easter, and advent is preparation for Christmas.

Is Pentecost a Church season?

No, Pentecost, the 50th day after the Resurrection of Our Lord, marks the end of the Easter Season. There is no Pentecost season. The seasons of the liturgical year are: Advent Christmas season Lent Easter Season Ordinary Time is any time during the Church year that does not fall within one of the seasons mentioned above.

What are seasons of the liturgical year?

Advent Christmas Season Ordinary Time Lent Easter Triduum Easter Season Ordinary Time Advent begins a new Church year.

What liturgical season is Easter in?

Easter is its own season

What is the favorite word of the church used to especially during the Easter Season?

"Alleluia!", to name one...

What are the Romain Catholic Church seasons?

Advent Christmas Season Ordinary Time Lent and the Triduum Easter Season Ordinary Time

What is a liturgical season?

A time during the church's year - Easter, Christmas, Lent, Advent, Ordinary time

What begins on Easter Sunday evening and ends on pentecost Sunday?

Easter Sunday begins the Easter season which ends with Trinity Sunday.

What are the two major seasons of the liturgical year?

Advent Christmas Season Ordinary Time Lent Easter Triduum Easter Season Ordinary Time The the cycle starts over with Advent, the first Sunday of which is the begining of a new Church year.