Dorinda Clark Cole attends Greater Emmanuel Istitutuional Church of God in Christ in Detroit, where her brother-in-law Elder J Drew Sheard is pastor.
Yes. She was sued by a close freind and member of her church. That is what supposedly led to her suicide attempt.
He is an ordained Elder in his church.
Dorinda Clark-Cole was born on October 19, 1957
Dorinda Clark-Cole is a/an Singer–songwriter,evangelist
Dorinda Clark-Cole was born on October 19, 1957.
Dorinda Clark-Cole was born on October 19, 1957
dorinda clark cole daughter and son
Dorinda Clark-Cole - album - was created on 2002-06-11.
Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole is one of the daughters of the Legendary Gospel Singer "Dr. Mattie Moss Clark". Dorinda is one of the five daughters of Mattie Moss that made up the Renowed Gospel Group "The Clark Sisters". Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole is know as the "JAZZY STYLE"one in the group. Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole is also a wife to Greg Cole and has three children Nikkia, Brenndon and Jay Cole. Dr. Dorinda Clark is also a heavily annointed evangalist. Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole also teaches at the Clark Conservatory of Music and has had 3 successful solo albums to date, and is a 2 time Grammy award winner.
Greg Cole
it same
What State , City Does Dorinda Clarkcole live in Detroit, Michigan