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the "iglesia ni cristo" a religious sect founded in the Philippines,and with a growing international following,does not believe in the trinity.

another fact is that they do not believe that Jesus Christ is GOD!

AnswerThe most well-known Christian that does not believe in the Trinity is the Jehovah's Witnesses. Not only do they not believe in the Trinity, they also regard the Trinity as satanic, and anyone who believes in it in cahoots with the devil. Unlike the Iglesia ni Cristo, Jehovah's Witnesses believes that Jesus Christ is a 'god'(Isaiah 9:6). But, Jesus' father, Jehovah, is greater than him(John 14:28) and also, Jesus admitted that he worshiped his God, Jehovah(John 20: 17). Jesus is god, and Jehovah is the Almighty God, and they were not a part of a trinity.

As follower of Christ we have to imitate Jesus...... Philippians 2:6 that even Jesus "exist in Gods form gave no consideration to a seizure,namely, that he should be equal to God." so Philippians 2:5 the account tell us that we have to "keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus."

If you didn't follow this Truth, 'are you Greater than Christ?'

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Q: What christian religion doesn't believe in the trinity?
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AnswerThe Holy Trinity has been part of Christian doctrine since at least the fourth century. It is taught as fact by almost all Christian denominations, and for a church member not to believe in the Trinity would be tantamount to denying the authority of his church.AnswerChristians believe in the Trinity because the Bible teaches the concept.AnswerBy the third century, Christian leaders were trying to define the divinity of Jesus. One of the issues that concerned them is that if Jesus was divine like God the Father, then Christianity could be regarded as polytheistic, an unacceptable description. A school of thought, now knwn as Trinitarianism, was that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were somehow three persons in one - the doctrine now known as the Holy Trinity. The Trinitarian view was opposed by conservatives who held to a Unitarianist view that Jesus was not divine in the same way as God the Father is. After fierce and sometimes quite personal debate, Trinitarianism was adopted by the Council of Nicaea and incorporated into the Nicene Creed. However, it was not until the end of the fourth century that Emperor Theodosius decreed support for Unitarianism illegal.Some recent denominations have abandoned the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, but most accept the Holy Trinity of the Nicene Creed.