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The two largest events that would later result in the foundation of so many different versions of Christianity are called The East-West Schism and the Protestant Reformation.

In the 11th Century CE, differences of opinion in theology and the way the church should be structured resulted in the schism that differentiated the Eastern Church from the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1517, Catholic priest Martin Luther wrote a list of grievances with the Roman Church called "The Ninety-Five Theses," which resulted in his excommunication and served as a catalyst for the formation of Protestantism.

Most Christian denominations can be said to have grown out of one of these two large events, though there are other, smaller and more specific events that created other faiths.

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Religious issues tend to be debatable, because unlike scientific issues, they are generally not resolvable by experiment. If your religion is based on faith, then there is no objective standard with which to settle arguments; faith is internal, it is something that you feel. Anybody is free to have faith in anything. Prior to the Reformation, the church acted to suppress differences of opinion by condemning them as heresy and by killing all the heretics. Once it became possible to have different opinions without necessarily being killed as a result, it turned out that lots of people had lots of different opinions, leading to lots of different denominations.

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Q: What caused the Protestant churches to split into so many different denominations?
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