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Q: What capacities are in the personality of God?
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What are your specific aptitudes capacities and nature?

A multi-aptitude test can be given to determine a person's capacities. Personality tests can also be taken to determine a person's nature.

What was Abrahams personality?

he did everything god told him to

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The 'personality traits' required by God for every man are, repentance to God and faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you spiritually attracted to someone if you like their personality?

No, not exactly. Spiritual things are of God. If you like their personality you are attracted to them on a different level. Spiritual attractiveness in my opinion should only be for God. =)

What are dionysus the greek god's personality traits?

he is god of wine and celebrations and is very fun-loving

Why is the personality important?

the important of person is that he/she create by the image of God, and it luck it get the same shape with God........

Ares the Greek god's personality?

A brutal, bloodthirsty macho.

What was the personality of the Greek god Apollo like?

Apollo was known for his dual nature, embodying both light and music, as well as plague and destruction. He was associated with healing, prophecy, and creativity, and was often depicted as youthful and handsome. Apollo was also known for his love of music, particularly the lyre, and his pursuit of beautiful mortal beings.