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Beef eating is strictly prohibited as it is cow's meat and cows are worshiped by the Hindus. Pork eating is also not acceptable.
Definately not sacred animals like cows, pigs, but most are vegitarian. They believe in reincarnation, which means that if a deceased friend or relative didn't live "up tp standards" they may reside in an animal. Basically a pure Hindu person eats only vegetarian.

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In Hinduism, they believe that food is a gift from God so they treat it with respect. Most Hindus avoids alcohol, caffeine, eggs, fish, meat, poultry, and spicy or sour foods.

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Why cant Hindus eat mushrooms?

I'm pretty sure they can! The only thing Hindus don't eat for religious reasons in cow products and many are vegetarian.

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Hindus are vegetarians.

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Hindus don't eat meat because they believe animals are sacred.

What food Hindus eat cant?

There are a few forbidden foods for Hindus:Beef.Exotic animals and wild animals.Some sects of Hinduism (Vaishnavism) encourage vegetarianism, whereas others eat meat.

What foods are Hindus allowed to eat?

Most Hindus don't eat any meat, but will eat animal products. North Indians, for the most part will eat white meat, and Southern Indians are fully vegetarian. Some Hindus choose to eat meat, so it all depends on their type of worship.

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they SHOULDN'T eat cow because they consider it holy. aka a GOD but they could eat it if they wanted to. many Indians who come to america eat burgers because they just cant resist hahah

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Can hindus eat meat on Friday?

Yes, many hindus eat meat, they can eat it any day except Tuesday. While some do not eat meat at all.

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Hindus do not eat non vegetarian. They do not drink alcohol.

Can Hindus eat cream from a cow?

If u ask can? everyone can but hindus wont

Why are Hindus vegatariens?

not all Hindus are vegetarians they just can't eat beef. Chicken, pork, duck is ok to eat.