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they translated islamic works into other languages

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They helped it by teaching Muslim leaders to write in Latin

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oppa gangman style lol

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Q: What can you infer about how the scholars at Cordoba's university influenced the spread of Islam?
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The scholars, preachers, jurists, traders, tourists, and spiritual scholars (Called Sufis) spread Islam.

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Enlightenment ideas spread across Europe, North America, and Latin America primarily through books, pamphlets, newspapers, and salons where intellectuals and scholars discussed these ideas. The movement influenced various realms like politics, science, philosophy, and economics, leading to transformative changes in society and government systems.

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Hinduism was studied by many European scholars. They published their findings about Hinduism and spread it themselves.

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The Renaissance's emphasis on humanism and critical thinking inspired scholars to question traditional religious beliefs and practices. This intellectual environment laid the foundation for the Protestant Reformation to challenge the authority of the Catholic Church and promote individual interpretation of scripture. The Renaissance also led to the printing press, which helped spread Reformation ideas across Europe.

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It was Peter as he was crucified in Rome.

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The Songhai Empire contributed to the spread of Islam and Arabic through trade and contact with Arab merchants, scholars, and traders. As the empire grew in wealth and power, it attracted Muslim scholars and traders who spread their religion and language through interactions with the local population. Additionally, the ruling elite of the Songhai Empire embraced Islam, further promoting its spread among the populace.

What can you infer about how the scholar's at cordoba's university influenced the spread of Islam?

The scholar's at Cordoba studied Greek and Roman scientific writings and translated them into Arabic so, Arabic writing in mathematics, astronomy, geography, and history could be studied throughout Europe.

Explain how and why Islam was able to spread to the Indian Subcontinent?

Islam spread in India through the religious scholars and saints (Sufis) who entered India along with the Pathan and Mughal invaders.

What effect did Muslim scholars have on the Mali empire?

Majority of the Malians are Muslims (about 90% of the total population). The Muslim scholars taught them to be tolerant of other religion followers. They also caused the spread of education in Mali.