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We usually refer to them as a Study, because they are studying The Bible. They can also become unbaptized publishers once they have progressed in their studying and knowledge of the Bible.

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Q: What can you call a person who is trying to become a jehovah witness?
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Why should a person become a Jehovah's witness?

If they want to go door to door trying to make people worship god.

Why is a Jehovah's Witness stalking me?

It may not be relevant that your stalker is a Jehovah Witness, and it could simply be an obsessive person who happens to have an association with those people. It also might be that being a witness is the cause of them stalking you. Many witnesses can be obsessive about converting others to think like they do, which they call being in unity. They spend many hours each month trying to get others to abandon their religious beliefs and convert to theirs. Their status among other witnesses is based in part on how many hours they do this, so if you showed your stalker that you might be interested in what they say, they may be trying to get credit for those hours by talking to you. Two very good places to learn more about them can be found in the two links provided below, one of which is the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses and the other is a site run by a former member of the Jehovah's Witness headquarters staff.

Can a body be touched at a Jehovah witness funeral?

ANSWER FROM ONE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES... I'm not too sure what you are trying to get at with this question but if you are talking about the body of the dead Brother or Sister then that would be a no because he/she would be sealed inside the coffin, any viewing of the person would have to take place at the undertakers before the Memorial service took place.

Can a Jehovah Witness become famous or can act at Hollywood?

Yes. However Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a life dedicated to doing God's will as expressed in the scriptures. It can be difficult to keep spiritual things first and pursue such a career. Also, Hollywood is not exactly known for lifestyles that meet God's high standards of conduct. This could exert extreme pressure on a Christian trying to do what they have learned is right.

What person was accused of trying to become a king and was killed?

yes, there was a person accused of trying to become a king and was killed for this belief. It was Julius Caesar.

How can you become a better person?

BY carefully trying to be one.

How can jp become a cooler person?

stop trying to be black

How can you tell an apostate Jehovah's Witness?

Jehovah's Witnesses feel that someone has become an "apostate" if they were once a baptized member of their religion that not only left the religion, but actively and purposely sought to either make the religion appear evil, or draw others out of the religion as well. They feel this is the act of sinning against the holy spirit as described at Matthew 12:31,32. If someone identifies themselves as a former member of the religion, and is actively trying to turn other people away from the religion, that would be a way to identify what Jehovah's Witnesses would consider an apostate.

What is the definition of opinion witness?

An opinion witness is a witness who is allowed to provide their opinions or interpretations on matters within their expertise during legal proceedings. This type of witness is typically called upon to offer specialized knowledge or insights that the average person may not possess.

Do people who dislike Jehovah's Witnesses ever try to pretend to be one?

Do you mean 'How often do people prtetend to be Jehovah's Witnesses?' or do you mean 'Do Jehovah's Witnesses really believe the message that they are trying to spread?'

When will save the witness 2 come out?

as you know it said to be continued. but it is coming out in the late summer and it will be trying to kill the witness.

What is the opposite of be?

awake or energetic