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For most Baptist churches, there are two offices: Pastors and deacons.

Pastors often are selected from outside the congregation, whereas deacons are usually selected from within the congregation. Baptist congregations rely heavily on the biblical qualifications for deacons (1 Timothy 3) and on the selection of the Seven (Acts 6) as fundamental guides for understanding the role of the deacon.

Deacons usually administer the resources of the congregation, while pastors focus on the spiritual needs. Often deacons are elected by their congregation and may serve for life (or until resignation).

While the particular responsibilities may vary from congregation to congregation with some guidance from the convention, deacons often advise the pastor, help lead the congregation, visit the sick, and organize relief and support for the poor and vulnerable.

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Some presbyterian churches have deacons.

Why does the deacons hold the candle?

Not all deacons hold candles. It must be a tradition in your church.

How many deacons in the Catholic Bible?

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In Mormonism deacons are ages 12 and 13 usually

Are deacons are the only one that supposed to be at deacons meetings?

In deacons' meetings non-deacons can be there. The visitors should be allowed to speak if it is moved, seconded and voted on by the deacons. They should not be allowed to vote on decisions if it is not address in the constitution and by laws of the church. Robert's Rules of Order came to be from the baptist church so they should be followed when making binding decisions.

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Deacons cannot consecrate the Eucharist, hear confessions, or Anoint the Sick

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Deacons for Defense - TV movie - was created in 2003.

How many Catholic deacons are there in the world?

38,155 deacons almost all live in Europe and the U.S.

Are Deacons exempted from paying membership dues in the Knights of Columbus?

No, deacons are required to pay dues

In the Catholic church there are two kinds of deacons- what are they?

The two kinds of deacons (they are not really different "kinds") are transitional and permanent. A transitional deacon is a man who is ordained deacon while on his way to being ordained a priest, a permanent deacon remains a deacon. The later may be married when they are ordained. Neither may marry after ordination.

Can women in the united baptist faith become pastors or deacons?

No, there are no women deacons in a Baptist church, deacons must be the husband of one wife.1 Timothy 3:12 (KJV) Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

What letters did Paul write about deacons?

Paul describes the qualifications of deacons in 1 Timothy chapter 3.