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Primarily, The Bible is a book about the Israelite people - the good, the bad, and the ugly :). Starting with Abram in Genesis 12 all the way through to Revelation where both physical and spiritual Israelites are mentioned.

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That is the theme of the entire Hebrew Bible: the relationship between God and the Israelites. Some of the major subtopics of this theme were the origins of the Israelites (in Genesis), the Exodus, the Tabernacle (Leviticus and parts of Exodus and Numbers), entering the Holy Land (Deuteronomy and Joshua), ups and downs in the Israelites' service of God (the Books of Judges and 1-2 Kings), and the approach of the First Destruction (Jeremiah). See also:

The covenant

What are some of the things God did for the Israelites

Is Israel still under God's protection

If God cared for the Israelites why did he send harsh prophecies

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Q: What book of the Bible shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history?
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Which books of the Old Testament tell how God cared for His people?

The theme throughout the Hebrew Bible is that of the relationship between God and the Israelites, from Genesis through the last of the Hebrew prophets. Even passages that harshly scold the Israelites, or foretell punishments, are part of the theme of God's care for the Israelites, for the reason given in Amos 3:2.

What book tells how god cared for the Israelites?

The book that recounts how God cared for the Israelites is the Bible, specifically the Old Testament books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books describe God's provision and protection for the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt and journey to the Promised Land.

How do you know that God cared about the Israelite slaves in Egypt?

A:The Bible says that Moses was born after the Israelites became slaves and then lived to 120 years old, but did not begin the Exodus until just 40 years before his death. So, God must have willingly allowed the Israelites to suffer as slaves for more than 80 years and probably much longer. Nevertheless, the Bible also says that God cared about the Israelite slaves. On the other hand, more than ninety per cent of scholars are said to believe that there never was an Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible. The Israelite nation was never enslaved and therefore God had no need to care about the Israelites.

How did Ruth and Esther influence the bible?

Ruth accepted God in heaven as her God. She left Moab to care for her mother-in-law after both of their husbands died. She was the great-grandma of King David. Esther was a Jewish person spoke up for the Israelites to King Xerxes when they were in danger and he saved them. They both showed cared for the Jewish people. Two female's who saved and/or brought blessings unto their families.

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My brother and I were cared for?

How are goats cared for?

They get cared for by their owners.

How are tapirs' young cared for?

They are cared by there mother and if they are abandon then they will be cared for by there father which usually might not happen

What did sally tompkins do?

Sally Tompkins ran her own hospital throughout the civil war.She was well known for her neatness. She cared for over 1000 patients in her career of that 73 died.

Who cared for Helen after Anne?

Helen Keller was cared for by a few different companions and assistants after Anne Sullivan, including Polly Thomson and Winnie Corbally. Sullivan remained a close friend and mentor to Helen throughout her life, even after others took on more of the day-to-day caregiving duties.

How is the Bible kept and cared for?

Simple. Keep it in a handy place, preferably in a book shelf or near your bed in a drawer. Treat pages delicately. Buy a cover to keep it extra safe.

When do you use matter or mattered?

It had not mattered that she cared. It does not matter that she cared.

How are baby sharks cared for?

They aren't cared for by mother sharks.