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Islam is based upon the Qu'ran and that Muhammad (S.A.W.) was a prophet, and that there is but one God, ALLAH. Islam is also based upon hadith, sunnah, and the teachings of Ahlal Bayt for different Muslims.

Islam is based on the proclamation:

1. There is NO god, but Almighty God 9Allah in Arabic). He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Protector, and Ruler of all the worlds He has created. He is Unique, having no Parents, No Off-spring, No Son, No Associate whatsoever. He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, All-Knowing, All-Seeing. He and He alone deserves worship.

2. Belief in the Angels.

3. belief in all the holy Prophets (may peace be upon them all- about 1,24,000 in number)

4. Belief in all the holy Books including Tora, Old Testament, New Testament, the Bible and the last being the holy Qur'an.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgement and the life hereafter.

6. Belief that Destiny-good or bad- is decided by Almighty God.

Answer 2

Five Pillars of Islam according to shia Muslims are:

1. Monotheism: The Oneness of Allah (tawhid)

2. Divine Justice ('adl)

3. Prophethood (nubuwwa)

4. Succession to Muhammad (imamat)

5. The Day of Judgement and the Resurrection (Qiyama)

Practices of Islam according to shia Muslims:

1- Prayers (salaat) - 5 times a day

2- Fasting (sawm) during Ramadan

3-4. Alms giving (zakaat and khums)

5- Pilgrimage to the city of Makkah (hajj)

6- Holy Defense (Jihad)

7-8. Enjoining good (amr bil-ma'rouf) and forbidding evil (nahiy an al-munkar)

9- Supporting those who walk in the path of Allah (tawalli li awliyaa' Allah)

10- Turning away from the enemies of Allah (tabarri min a'daa Allah)

Five Pillars of Islam according to Sunni Muslims are:

1. professing (Shahadah)

2. Prayer (Salat)

3. Alms-giving (Zakāt)

4. Fasting (Sawm of Ramadan)

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

also different sects of sunni have differs in five pillars. for example Mu'tazilate Sunni Scholars like shia consider Adl as one pillar. but Ash'arites does not believe Adl is one of Pillars although believing in Adl as an attribute of God but with an interpret of Adl that in view of shia and Mu'tazilate is equal to not having Adl.

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Islam is based primarily on worshiping Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. For other Islam bases you may refer to the related question below.

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9y ago

What is Islam?

Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the majority have nothing to do with the extremely grave events which have come to be associated with their faith.


Who are Muslims?

One billion people form a vast range of races, nationalities and cultures across the globe, from the southern Philippines to Nigeria, are united by their common Islamic faith. About 18% live in the Arab world; the world's largest Muslim community is in Indonesia; substantial parts of Asia and most of the Africa are Muslim, while significant minorities are to be found in the Soviet Union, China, North and South America, and Europe.


What do Muslims Believe?

Muslims believe in One, Unique, Incomparable God' in the Angels created by Him, in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death. Muslims

believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist and Jesus, peace be upon them. But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him through Gabriel.

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7y ago

Islam base on five pillars

1- to testify that there is no god but Allah and that muhammed is his messenger

2- to pray five times every day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset & dusk prayers)

3- to give "Zakat" which is giving money to the poors

4- to fast the month of Ramadhan from dawn to sunset

5- to do "Hajj" once in a life time

answer 2

Basic Beliefs of the Muslims:

1. Belief in Almighty Allah (God) Sura Baqra -2. Aya 163: And your Allah is ONE Allah, There is no god but He. He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider and Ruler of the Universe. He has No Son, No Parents, No off-spring. He is Omnipotent, Omni-Present, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Listening. HE and He alone deserves worship. All powers lie in His Hands. He alone is the Master of the Day of Judgment. He has No Partner, No Associate whatsoever. No one can understand Him completely. There is Nothing like Him. He is Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Most Forgiving. Oneness .

2. Belief in Angels Created by Almighty Allah Karim from light. They are obedient to Allah Karim. Carry out His commands.

3. Belief in all heavenly books, including Tora, Zaboor, the Bible, the last one being the Qur'an.

4. Belief in all the Messengers of Almighty Allah- No distinction among them. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) being the last Prophet of Islam. NO Prophet after him.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment. Almighty Allah Karim is the Sole Ruler/Master of that Day. He enjoys the absolute authority to send people to Heaven or Hell.

6. Good and bad Destiny being in the Hands of Almighty Allah. No One can change his destiny.

7. Life hereafter: All the dead will be raised again and judged according to their good or bad deeds. There will be no death to them.

8. Hell and Heaven (Paradise)

These may be further elaborated in the light of the holy Qur'an and the Sahih Hadith.

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadat: [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],

2. Salah: (praying five times a day)

3. Zakah: (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings)

4. Saum: (fasting during Ramadan)

5. Hajj: (pilgrimage) for each Muslim once in lifetime those who can afford it.

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10y ago


Muslims base their beliefs on the Koran and hadith, which are believed in turn to be based on the Christian Bible, plus Christian and Jewish tradition.

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14y ago

Islam law is based on Quran and Sunnah (prophet Muhammad sayings and practices).

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# The Holy Quran

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To kill of those that are not muslim.

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according to Quran and Sunnah

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