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The Bible says that the Ravens brought Elijah food, and the brook provided water, till it dried up.

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Q: What birds fed Elijah when he was hiding from king Ahab?
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It was Obadiah (1 Kings 18:7-20)

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Elijah lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel circa 870-850 B.C.E. Ahab was the king of the Northern Kingdom (869-850 BCE) and Jeshoshaphat (873-849 BCE) in the Southern Kingdom during Elijah's time as prophet.

Is Elijah in the Bible a hero?

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Prophet Elijah. After which he challanged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

Who was King Ahab in the Old Testament?

King Ahab was a king of Israel who reigned in the 9th century BC. He is known for marrying Jezebel, a Phoenician princess who led him to worship idols. Ahab's reign was marked by conflict with prophets like Elijah and by his involvement in unjust actions.

Who did Elijah go up against on Mount Carmel?

Elijah went up against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. He challenged them to a test to see which deity, Baal or the Lord, would send fire down to consume a sacrifice. Through his faith in the Lord, Elijah demonstrated the power of God as fire consumed his offering.

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Ahab was a powerful king in biblical times, and Ahab was a captain in fiction.