Baptism - Most Quakers believe that how a person lives their life is a sacrament, and that formal observances are not necessary. Quakers hold that baptism is an inward, not outward, act.
Bible - Quakers' beliefs stress individual revelation, but the Bible is truth. All personal light must be held up to The Bible for confirmation. The Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible, does not contradict Himself.
It is not a requirement that a Quaker hold or not hold any particular belief.
The Quakers religious beliefs preaches on the priesthood of all believers.
Which is the events when the action and beliefs of the quakers of prnnsylvania ptedicted
The Quakers religious beliefs preaches on the priesthood of all believers.
The Quakers were mistreated in England because of their religious beliefs.
That no one was or is expected or required to hold any particular belief to worship with or to become a Quaker. It has been said Quakerism is a way of life and not a belief system.
In its time, the new Christian denomination called the Quakers had unusual beliefs. Perhaps the most controversial of them was their pacifist beliefs. As such they did not believe in wars and refused to bear arms or support wars. In a militaristic colonial empire of the British, this was heresy.
You can be a Quaker without believing in Jesus. Quakers do not require any particular beliefs from their members.
Quakers came in 1702
to keep it simple in life and to use your 'inner light'
He wants peace.