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He attacked the indulgences, the idea that only the pope can read The Bible, the idea that the church and the pope are infallible, and the idea that the Roman Church is supreme over other churches.

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Q: What aspects of the church did Luther attack?
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The attack on the corruption of the Catholic church by Martin Luther is known as the?

The Protestant Revolt or Reformation.

What did the publication of martin luther's nintey-five theses attack?

The pope didn't win.

What Protestant church started from the reforms of Martin Luther?

The protestant church started by Martin Luther was the Lutheran Church.

When was Luther Place Memorial Church created?

Luther Place Memorial Church was created in 1873.

How did Martin Luther King Jr's parent's die?

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s father, Martin Luther King, Sr., died of a heart attack and his mother, Alberta Williams King, died after being shot while at a church service.

Why was the Catholic Church threatened by Martin Luther?

.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was never "threatened" by Martin Luther.

When did the reformation begin?

Martin Luther (1483-1546) authored the seminal act of the Reformation in 1517. The Reformation of the church is considered to have begun on 31 October 1517, with Luther's act of posting his Ninety-Five Theses, more fully known as the "Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences", on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The document contained an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials.

Who created the Lutheran church?

His followers. I have been raised Lutheran and I have learned that Martin Luther's original intentions were not at all to break with the Catholic church, he in fact encouraged his followers not to break from the church, he just wanted to change the corruptness of it and focus more on the Bible. The way I understand it to be is that Martin Luther's followers (not Martin Luther, it was after his death) broke from the Catholic church because they recognized the strength of the church itself and were insulted by the fact that the Catholic church excommunicated Luther.

What all did marten Luther do?

Martin Luther reformed the church in Germany

What is name of church Luther attacked?

.Catholic AnswerThe Church was, and is, the Catholic Church.

Who stopped the war with Martin Luther and the Church?

.Catholic AnswerThere was never a "war" with Martin Luther and the Church, the question is not valid.

As a result of their dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church both Martin Luther and Henry VIII .?

They started a new Church: Luther's came to be named the Lutheran Church, Henry's was called the Church of England.