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Holy Communion (Eucharist) refers to the consecrated bread and wine which become the body and blood of Christ. The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments in that Roman Catholics receive the very body; blood; soul and divinity of Jesus Christ which in turn, bring innumerable and precious graces.

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Hosts (round unlevened bread), wine (optional), water, the Eucharistic prayers, a Priest, somesort of challace and saborium, altar, bells.

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Q: What are things used in celebrating the Holy Eucharist?
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Things that are used in the Holy Eucharist?

Unleavened bread, bread without yeast

What is a communion cup?

It is a cup that holds the wine or grape juice that represents the Blood of Christ. It is used during the celebration of the Eucharist, Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion. All three terms are used and their use depends on the church that is celebrating the sacrament.

What is the name of the vessel used to hold the wine for the eucharist?

The Holy Chalice.

When Holy Communion is reserved in the Tabernacle it is called?

Roman Catholic AnswerWhen the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved in the Tabernacle, it is still called the Most Holy Eucharist, sometimes I have heard it refered to as the "reserved Species", a word that was used by the Council of Trent to refer to the appearance of bread and wine after consecration, i.e. the accidents.

What are the different names for the Eucharist?

Thanksgiving is the literal definition of the term "eucharist". However if you are referring to the sacrament, then "eucharist" may be called "The Blessed Sacrament", "The Lord's Supper", "Communion", "Holy Communion", "The Mass".

What are other names for Eucharist?

In the Roman Catholic Church it is known as 'the mass'. In the protestant church it can also be called the 'mass' (eg in High Anglican Churches), but can also be called the Eucharist, Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper or The Breaking of Bread..Catholic AnswerThe Most Holy Eucharist is the same name used for one or all three aspects of the one mystery, named the Real Presence, the Sacrifice (the Mass), and Communion. The actual word, Eucharist means "thanksgiving."

What are some things used in celebrating the Mass?

in celebrating mass, there are many things that might be use in:one, the book of gospel which called ebangelerium. otherwise the book of lector, and the book of holy sacrament as well as the book of blessing.the Lababo towellababo dishthe corporalthe pallthe Patenthe hostthe winethe cruetsthe chalicethe missal stand...are the most important thing that used in the mass celebration.Note:sorry if i can't give the specific meaning of the certain thing.there are also many things which i can't share.

What is a suborium?

The correct spelling is ciborium. It is a covered container shaped like a chalice, used to hold the wafers used at the Christian service of Eucharist or Holy Communion, in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches.

Is chrism oil used in Holy Orders?

Yes, chrism oil is typically used in the sacrament of Holy Orders to anoint the hands of the person being ordained as a symbol of consecration and empowerment for their new role in the Church.

Why is the holy water a symbol of the Holy Trinity?

Holy water is not a symbol of the holy trinity. The holy trinity has to do with the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Holy water is used to show the "washing away" of sin.

When was the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist instituted?

Catholic AnswerOur Blessed Lord instituted the Most Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, the night before He gave His life for us on Calvary. from Pocket Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J., Doubleday c 1980, 1985Eucharist. The true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who is really and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, in order to offer himself in the sacrifice of the Mass and to be received as spiritual food in Holy Communion. It is called Eucharist, or "thanksgiving", because at its institution at the Last Supper Christ "gave thanks," and by this fact it is the supreme object and act of Christian gratitude to God.Although the same name is used, the Eucharist is any one or all three aspects of one mystery, namely the Real Presence, the Sacrifice, and Communion. As Real Presence, the Eucharist is Christ in His abiding action of High Priest, continuing now to communicate the graces He merited on Calvary; and as Communion, it is Christ coming to enlighten and strengthen the believer by nourishing his soul for eternal life.

What were the 7 sacraments of the roman catholic church that were central to medieval christian belief?

Catholic answerIt's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. .The seven sacraments are the same today as they were back then, and they have always been central to Christian belief, whether ancient, medieval, or modern:BaptismPenance (or Confession)ConfirmationHoly EucharistMatrimonyHoly OrdersAnointing (Extreme Unction)The Catholic Church further groups them in this way:-The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)-Sacraments of Healing (Penance/Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick)-Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders)