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The 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah are supposed to be incomparable, which is to say, each, in its own way, is equally important. However, there is a hierarchy. Commandments that cannot be fulfilled can be ignored. Since the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70, this makes all the commandments about the Temple and the sacrificial sysrtem irrelevant. Then, there is a general prohibition that you cannot generally violate a negative commandment to satisfy a positive one. You cannot steal in order to give to Charity. The commandment to "chose life" is taken to be so important that there are only three commandments you cannot violate in order to preserve life. You cannot murder, you cannot commit idolatry, and you cannot engage in forbidden sexual acts. So, it's OK to steal if the alternative is starvation, but if someone holds a gun to your head and says "kill him," you must refuse, even at the cost of your life.

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Q: What are the worst sins a Jew can commit according to Judaism?
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Some common sins that many people commit include lying, cheating, stealing, gossiping, and being greedy. These sins go against moral and ethical principles and can harm oneself or others.

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A sin that is committed from an individual is just called a sin. Sins are sins not matter what type of sin it is.

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What is one way that the setting of hell is important in inferno?

Hell's organization from least sins to worst sins reflects Dante's belief in an orderly universe.

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