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You need to memorise certain Quranic verses and know a few surah and know the correct way to pray, and this can only be learned under supervision. Several books are available from Islamic book shops or online for guidance

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Q: What are the words to the Muslim prayer?
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What is a building used for a Muslim prayer called?

The building for a Muslim prayer is called a Mosque

What is the first word a Muslim baby hears?

The Muslim call to prayer or adhaan ("God is great, there is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer.") are the first words a newborn Muslim baby should hear. They are whispered into the right ear of the child by his or her father.

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Why Muslim prayer is important to the Muslim community?

Its a form of worship.Muslims pray five times a day .Prayer is what distinguishes between a believer and a disbeliever.

Who is the muslim prayer leader?

imam or Sheikh

What is a building used for a Muslim prayer?


Can Muslim women go to Friday prayer?

Yes, it is preferred for Muslim women, as for men, to go to Friday prayer in the mosques especially if there is no concern about their safety.

Who is the person who does the prayer in the minaret in the Muslim Religon?

The person who leads the prayer is called the Imam.

What Religion are prayer beads from?

Prayer beads are found in Catholic,Buddist and Muslim religions.

How long should an employer allow for Muslim prayer?

As long as is needed. Prayer should not be hurried.

How you can offer your qaza prayers?

if a Muslim lose a prayer at its own time should do it later. even after death other Muslims can do prayer instead of him and gift it to dead Muslim. like normal prayer. only the Niat (the goal of doing in mind) is qaza prayer.

Muslim call to prayer?

It is called Athan in Arabic