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Q: What are the two kinds of magic that Frazer claims exists?
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Related questions

Did James Frazer show that magic comes from God?

No; Frazer showed that magical beliefs shared common factors throughout the world and he proposed that human belief went through three stages; magic, religion, science.

Does there exists a real magic?

Yes it does infact I have magic powers!

Do the Freemasons believe magic exists?

We do

What was James Frazer known for?

James Frazer was known as a social anthropologist, however he was famous for his documents on religion called the 'The Golden Bough'. This document presented his views upon how primitive magic soon turned to science through religion.

Does magic exists?

Many religions believe that black magic exist. Yes, magic STILL exists and is still practiced today. Pagans are well known for their magical skills. But the Holy Bible FORBIDS the use of this arts.

Is magic really experienced by anyone?

It has been known over centuries that certain people can perform magic or miracles, until now there has been no evidence that magic exists, Some people can do tricks like Chris Angel but it doesn't mean that its magic, if Magic exists, then the world would'v been different.

Are the Harry Potter wands at O rlando really magic?

No, muggles don't know that magic exists or not

What kinds of storage devices do this partition magic support?

The partition magic support the partitioning of the hard drive.

What are the 5 kinds of elves?

the five kinds of elves are magic shelf pocket giant and mischievous elves.

What kinds of magic does a wizard use?

It depends on what the wizard's alignment is.

Do you believe in magic and why?

No. As to why. Many claims of magical occurences or powers are not falsifiable, that is, byt the very nature of the claim they cannot be demonstrated to be true or false. Secon, all falsifiable claims of magic that have been sunjected to scientcfic scrutiny have been found to be false.

Can you speak English to your cell phone and it speak spanish to somebody?

yes because magic exists