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The 3 marks of conditioned existence (reality) are;

Anatta; not-self, that there is no such thing as a permanent self or soul, in that we are constantly changing and evolving

Anicca; all things and experiences are inconstant, unsteady and impermanent, everything is in constant flux. Things are constantly coming into being and ceasing to be. Nothing lasts.

Dukkha; suffering as a fundamental and unavoidable aspect of existence, which stems from clinging to impermanent things, craving pleasure, and wishing to avoid pain.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The Three Signs of Being

  1. Belief in Buddha
  2. Dharma - The teaching of Buddha
  3. The Sangha - the Buddhist community made up of ordinary people as well as the monks and nuns. The purpose is to help others and by doing so to cease to become selfish and to move on the way towards enlightenment.
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12y ago

Sometimes when I'm asked to describe the Buddhist teachings, I say this: Everything is connected; nothing lasts; you are not alone. This is really just a restatement of the traditional Three Marks of Existence: non-self, impermanence, and suffering. The fact that we all suffer means we are all in the same boat, and that's what allows us to feel compassion.

As for the Four Noble Truths, they are:

1. Life is full of suffering. The word the Buddha used was probably closer to Discontentment. That we are never really satisfied and if we are, it doesn't last.

2. This Suffering (discontentment) has a cause. This cause is our attachment to desires. Now, this doesn't mean that having desires is bad. It means that we must be smart about our desires. We shouldn't have these aching desires to get things like new clothes or the latest cell phone because once we get it, we are only happy for a short while. Then we are discontent again. We should desire for things that are helpful to others, or that we can make a positive impact on someone's life...

3. There is a state in which suffering (discontentment) stops and that stat is attainable. If we apply ourselves correctly to the 4th truth, we can become happy with life just as it is. We can break the chains that tie us to wide mood swings and over-reactions. We can treat people kindly and be generous and be content.

4. There is a path to end suffering. The Buddha laid out a path that anyone can follow. It takes practice to override the view of things and how we have thought throughout our lives but you can get there from here if you practice hard enough and with real intention.

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12y ago

The three sighns of being in budism is the pray their beleifs and the way they live their lifes.

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11y ago

The Three Marks (or signs) of existence are:

  1. Impermanence
  2. Suffering
  3. Egolessness
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