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Q: What are the three most important elements of a group?
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Which group of elements most readily combines with group 17 elements?

Group 1 metals, such as sodium and potassium, readily combine with group 17 elements (halogens) to form salts. These metals have one electron in their outermost shell, which they can easily lose to achieve a stable electron configuration, while halogens are one electron short of a stable configuration and readily accept an electron to form a stable ion.

What is the similarity of the elements in group 3 on the periodic table?

Elements in group 3 of the periodic table, also known as the scandium group, have similar chemical properties due to their shared electron configurations. They have an outer electron configuration of ns^2(n-1)d^1, where n represents the principal quantum number of the outer electron shell. This configuration leads to similarities in their chemical behavior and ability to form +3 oxidation states.

Which elements are most similar?

Elements in the same group are most similar.

What group of elements are most active?

the group1 elements

What is the name of the group with most unreactive elements?

Noble gases (or group 18 elements)

What are the three most important elements that should be included in every sales presentation?

promotion, candy, and stalking

Why group 12 is more reactive?

The elements from the group 12 are not the most reactive chemical elements.

What three elements have the most similar physical and chemical properties?

The elements in the same group on the periodic table tend to have similar physical and chemical properties. For example, lithium (Li), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) are in the same group (Group 1) and exhibit similar properties. They all have one valence electron, which contributes to their reactivity.

What are three classifications of elements?

There are at least two possible answers to this question. The two most usual ones are probably: metals, nonmetals, and metalloids; or main group, transition elements, and inner transition elements.

Where are the most metallic elements?

Group 1 or alkali metals are the most metallic elements.

Is fruit the most important food group?

Fruit is not the most important food group. Grain is the most important food group.

How are three of the most common elements found in living things are important to the human body?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen....