Stories from before the birth of Jesus can be found in the Old Testament of The Bible. Stories about:
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the three patriarchs of the people of Israel,
Moses - he led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt to the 'promised land'.
Joshua, Caleb - leaders of the people Israel when Israel entered the 'promised land'.
Saul, David, Solomon - some of the kings of Israel.
Isaiah, Jonah, Jeremiah, - some of the prophets of Israel
Before Jesus's birth. The Almighty had sent prophets to the world,
The question is not at all clear.What before Jesus?
The Gospel of Matthew.
before Christ ( before Jesus's Birth)
That's because those are simply stories. If you do your research, the Christian Jesus is really a re-make of past Gods like Horus who was also born around December 25th, died and was resurrected according to mythology. Also, he was said to have performed miracles long before Jesus. There are many more other gods with similar stories who predate Jesus. Those stories have been marginalized and downplayed by the Judeo-Christian leaders.
Before the birth of Jesus Crist.
It is said that Jesus was born 4 years before AD. This means for year 2010, there are 2014 from Jesus birth.
After Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds were the first to visit him, according to the New Testament. The angels announced the birth to the shepherds, who then went to see Jesus in the manger.
BC or before Christ.
Jesus cried at Lazarus deathAdditional Answer:His birth, eating and drinking, talking and walking, suffering and death.
The AD stands for After Death in reference to Jesus Christ. ie a date like 200 bc means 200 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and 2000 ad means 2000 years after Jesus Christ`s death. AD is a Latin term "Anno Domini" meaning "the Year of Our Lord" and references Jesus' birth not his death. So 2000 a.d. means 2000 years after Jesus' birth not after his death. And 100 b.c. means 100 years before Jesus birth. So time was divided by the birth of Jesus alone not his birth and his death. Events are considered happening before his birth or after his birth. AD doesn't have anything to do with Jesus' death.