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♥ Jesus Bracelet ♥
Black - We are separated from God by our sins. Romans 3:23
Red - Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He shed His blood, because HE
LOVES YOU! John 3:16
White - Because of Jesus, God sees you as being right with Him. Ephesians 1:7-8
Blue - We are brought into God's family through baptism. Galatians 3:26-27
Green - We read The Bible and pray to grow in faith. 2 Peter 3:18
Yellow - We will receive heaven because of the death of Jesus. Revelations 2:10
Clear - God is invisible, pure and holy. Isaiah 6:3

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Q: What are the six colors black red white blue green yellow religious symbolism on prayer bracelet?
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What are prayer bracelets?

Prayer bracelets are often used for prayer by Christians. They are usually woven so that they look like they have beads on them. There is a short prayer called "the Jesus prayer" that's about 2 sentences long that they keep repeating and the prayer bracelet has the same number of "beads" on it as the number of times they're supposed to repeat the prayer. So, a prayer bracelet is used to keep track of how many times you say it.

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What do the colors for the israel flag represent?

The Jewish prayer shawl, the tallit.

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What prayer lists your religious beliefs?

Apostles creed

Does there have to be prayer to God in the morning and the evening?

Customs vary, depending on religious traditions. But some sort of regular prayer is common in most religions.