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Humanism is a broad category of ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong. Some strains of Humanism are compatible with some religions and are even incorporated into several religious schools of thought. Humanism can be considered the process by which truth and morality is sought through human investigation. From this we can say that Humanism is similar to Christianity in that both seek to that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, and both seek to establish truth and morality. Humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on belief without reason, the supernatural, or texts of allegedly divine origin. Thus Humanism clearly rejects deference to supernatural beliefs in resolving human affairs but not necessarily the beliefs themselves. It is generally compatible with Atheism and agnosticism but does not require either of these.

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10y ago

Actually there is not a lot of similarity except for the feeling that being "good" is better for the followers than being "bad". Examples and comparisons:

Means of salvation:

  • Buddhism: To contemplate the truth of each moment, allowing practitioner to see the Four Noble Truths of life.
  • Christianity: Salvation through faith, and a relationship with Jesus Christ and daily repentance of sins.

Holy days/Day of Worship:

  • Buddhism: No one day is deemed holier then another. Worshipping is merely a cultural practice and has a socializing aspect.
  • Christianity: Many special days, Sunday in general and Christmas, Easter, New Year, Pentecost, Saints' Feast Days

Uniqueness of Belief:

  • Buddhism: Buddhism is a Dharmic religion withs no contradiction in following more than one religion.
  • Christianity: Judaism is a true religion, but with incomplete revelation and Islam is a false religion. All other religions are false

Religious Law:

  • Buddhism: There is no religious rules. The Dharma, however, describes nature or reality. For example, if there is an effect, there is a cause. .
  • Christianity: The 10 Commandments are a base but following the whole Bible (except got the micromanagement of the OT laws) is advocated.

Belief in a deity:

  • Buddhism: Most believe in revering enlightened beings. No belief in a Supreme Creator. Zen Buddhists don't believe in deities.
  • Christianity: A belief in the Trinity of God - The Father (God) - The Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

Regular Practices:

  • Buddhism: Regularly visit temple to socialize and make offerings to the Buddha and to develop the mind and apprecuiate the need for proper behaviour and attitude.
  • Christianity: Regularly church attendance (especially on Sundays) for Worship. Doing good works and spreading the wordis encouraged.


  • Buddhism: No priestly hierarchy in Buddhism
  • Christianity: Priests, monks, ministers, pastors, bishops, Elders, Deacons, Youth Ministers, Sunday School Teachers ave a special position in the community..

God's role in salvation:

  • Buddhism: Each person is his own refuge.
  • Christianity: Ultimate judgment by God.

Human Nature:

  • Buddhism: The internal Buddha nature is good and leads ultimately towards enlightenment.
  • Christianity: The base of human nature is "original sin" inherited from Adam. It exhibits itself as a tendency towards evil.


There are too many differences to list. Some of the major ones are:

  • View of a creator: Christians believe undoubtedly that there is one god, who created everything and everyone. In Buddhism, it is not required to believe in any single or multiple god(s). It is possible to be Agnostic/Atheist and Buddhist. The idea of a creator is really irrelevant to Buddhist teachings.
  • View of an afterlife: Christians believe that after you die, you will either be sent to Heaven or Hell (a possible state of purgatory is also a widely held belief among some Christians). If you live a good life in accordance with Christian teachings, you will be rewarded by spending eternity in the presence of God (aka Heaven). If you do not, you will have to spend your eternity in Hell. Buddhists, on the other hand, view life in a completely different way. They believe in reincarnation, which means that every living thing goes through a constant cycle of birth, life, death, and repeat.
  • Goal of life: A Christian's main objective in life is to adhere to God's will, thus allowing him or her to gain entrance into Heaven. A buddhist's main objective in life, however, is to reach enlightenment. This means that through Buddhist practices and meditation, you have found the greatest truth or truths of the universe, allowing you to break the cycle of life and death, ultimately leading to release from the suffering of this world.
  • How you are judged: Christians believe that God is the sole judge of our actions. He observes our lives, and based on how we live, decides our eternal fate. In the Buddhist faith, however, there isn't an overseeing figure to make these judgements. Buddhists believe in the law of Karma. This is a universal system of reward and punishment that is unbiased and unforgiving. All of your actions will have consequences. If you live a bad or evil life, you will be punished for it in one of your future lives. If you live a good life, you will reap the benefits because good things will happen to you.


These are just a few of the major differences between Christianity and Buddhism.

Buddhism is founded on the teachings of Buddha who did not subscribe to an immortal soul or supreme deity ( God ).

Christianity is founded on the belief of Jesus Christ as the son of God who was crucified and died to pay for the sins of man then resurrected from the dead. Those who believe this in their heart and confess it to others can call themselves Christians.


There are ancient Tibetan scrolls such as "The life of St. Issa," in which the life of someone called Jesus is recorded. Supposedly Jesus spent his educational years from the age of approximately thirteen to the age of twenty-five studying in India and Tibet. He found himself into problems when he challenged the Hindu Brahmanical leaders and their oppressive class system.

It is my opinion from my extensive research into religious theologies that the teachings of Jesus were those, which he learnt from his Buddhists teachers. These teachings later clashed with the laws of Moses in Jerusalem and he paid the ultimate price of crucifixion.


  • Buddhism predates Christianity by 500 years and may have influenced the thinking that eventually resulted in Christanity.
  • Christianity is predicated on the need of a deity or Jesus to step in and absolve you of sin for you to gain heaven or conversely send you to eternal damnation. Buddhism sees the attainment of enlightenment as the product of personal endeavor, no deity is involved or required.
  • Christianity is based on the concept of one person one lifetime, Buddhism allows for numerous (potentially countless) lifetimes of progress towards enlightenment.
  • Chsitianity is based on a dichotomy between good and evil. Buddhism sees some actions as being more satisfying than others in the long run.
  • Christianity offers a list of does and don't for the proper conduct of ones life (10 Commandments, Golden Rule, etc.). In Buddhism the Eightfold Path is a list of general suggestions for a more satisfactory life.


The fundamental difference is that Christianity believes in GOD as creater where Buddhist don't.

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12y ago

Secular humanism and Christianity differ in their approach to ethics. Humanists believe that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or God. The humanist approach is to do the right thing because that is the right thing to do, which some theologians criticise because it requires an interpretation of what is right. The Christian approach is to do the right thing because The Bible or the Church tells Christians what to do, an approach which is criticised because the Bible's story is interpreted for Christians by the clergy.

Secular humanism also emphasises fulfilment in this life, whereas Christians believe in a life to come and believe that fulfilment must wait for the next life.

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10y ago

Compare and contrast the rise of christianity and Hinduism

similar- both evolved from different religions

-hinduism- many diff religions

-christianity- judiasm

-both evolved over the centuries- arent what they origanlly were

-both belive in good deeds

diffrent-christianity- monotheistic

-one person

-no reincarnation

-hinduism -polytheisict

-dont know who started

-holy books

-vadas, upanishads, mahbarrata

-moral law- karma

-priests- brahmins


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10y ago

Hinduism has many gods. Christianity has one God, the true God, who died on the cross to save our sins.

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11y ago

Humanists- Focused on human potential and achievements

Christian Humanists- Humanist principles that were compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ

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