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The most sacred text of the Muslims is the holy Qur'an, that is the word of Almighty Allah revealed to the last Prophet of Islam (SAW).
The collections of the sayings of the holy Prophet (SAW) are also sacred books of the Muslims.

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Q: What are the sacred texts of Islam known as?
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Does Islam have any special or sacred texts?

Yes, the quran

Does Islam religion have any special or sacred texts or books?

Yes, the Qu'ran.

What has the author S A Nigosian written?

S. A. Nigosian has written: 'Islam' -- subject(s): Islam 'From Ancient Writings to Sacred Texts'

Who invented the islam sacred texts?

The Islam sacred text is Quran. It was not invented. Quran was revealed to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by God (or Allah and same God in Judaism and Christianity).

Does the religion have any special or sacred texts?

Yes, many religions have special or sacred texts that are considered authoritative and hold religious significance. For example, Christianity has the Bible, Islam has the Quran, Hinduism has the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita, and Buddhism has texts like the Tripitaka and the Dhammapada.

What are scared texts?

1 Religious texts, also known as scripture, are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or of central importance to their religious tradition. Many religions and spiritual movements believe that their sacred texts are divinely or supernaturally inspired.

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Both have similar stories and core beliefs in their sacred texts and in general, as between many religions.

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None. Hinduism and Buddhism share no sacred texts.

What is an example of sacred texts?

A love poem from someone you care for can be a "sacred text". The Declaration of Independence could also be "sacred". All people, all religions, all cultures have a group of words (written or spoken) that are "sacred" and hold a special place of veneration.

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The sacred texts and holy scriptures of Zoroastrianism are called the Avesta.

What are three major monotheistic religions?

The three major monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions believe in one God and have sacred texts such as the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran.

What characteristic do Abrahamic religions have in common?

There are five major Abrahamic religions in the world today: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith, and The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) which considers itself to be a subset of Christianity. Of these five traditions only two, Judaism and Christianity, share any sacred texts in common: Judaism's Tanakh is Christianity's Old Testament. Islam considers the Qur'an and the various biographies of the prophet Muhammed to be its core sacred texts. Baha'i takes the writings of its prophet Baha'u'llah to be its core sacred texts. And The Church of Latter Day Saints considers the Book of Mormon to be its primary sacred text.