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Buddhism isn't "rules" organization. It's a "these are some suggestions to reduce suffering in your life - so think about them and try them if you want" organization. In the long run and over the course of many cycles of birth and death you will adopt them. A summary of the path to follow is found in the Eightfold Path. It includes:

  • right understanding,
  • right thought,
  • right speech,
  • right action,
  • right livelihood,
  • right effort,
  • right mindfulness, and
  • right concentration.
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14y ago

The Buddha said that you do not have to believe in the gods if you do not wish to, leading some to believe that Buddhism is merely a philosophy. However, most adherents pray to their gods just as followers of other faiths do.

The most important rules of life are contained in the eightway path: Right view; Right intention; Right speech; Right action; Right livelihood; Right effort; Right mindfulness; right concentration.

Consider these carefully and you can see that the contain the ethical basis for ethical living and achieving the highest good.

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Q: What are the rules of life for the Buddhist religion?
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