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SamAshrayanam marks a great turning point in the journey of jIvAtmA through the cycle of repeated birth and death. The Pancha SamskAram performed is invaluable. But , one has to keep up the samskAram by his regular devotional activities. The samskArams done loses its significance when one starts indulging in more materialistic activities , without caring about the Supreme Lord Sriman NArAyanA . The whole purpose of SamAshrayanam is to make a person ( jIvAtmA ) get involved in the sanAtana dharmA ( eternal dharmA) of performing Kainkaryam to Divya Dampati ( MahALakshmi & NArAyanA ). Surrender and love towards the Supreme Lord Sriman NArAyanA is the only purpose of human life . SamAshrayanam helps in a great way to make a person progress towards achieving this goal.

The disciple should be highly thankful to the AchAryA for his great compassion. He should take deep interest in the SampradAyam & gain the true knowledge from kAlakshepams (Discourses) either under the lotus feet of his achAryA or under other SriVaishnava achAryAs his achAryA directs him to do so

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Q: What are the restrictions after SamAshrayanam?
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