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Believers in dialectics came up with the ideal you are referring to. They coined the phrase "the Abrahamic religions", in an attempt to join the three together as one. This attitude shows ignorance of our Father, his word, his intent toward each soul.

What every soul shares, is equal access and love by our Father and Christ. All souls belong to our Father, (Ecclesiastes 12:7), regardless of what silly religious sticker man has applied to them.

The term Jew is something that needs clarification as it has been misconstrued by the biblically illiterate to indicate all Israel which is simply incorrect. Judah was only one of the 12 tribes of Israel, not all of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Further, its been assumed that Judah or the people of Judah (Jews) were the priest line for the 12 tribes, which that too is ignorance, as the priests of the tribes of Israel, are of Levi of the house of Aaron. The term Jew is not a Hebrew term, its a term given the residents of Judea by the Greeks and Romans. Hence all Jews are not of Israel and all Israel is not of the Jews, and none of the Jews are priests.

Christ was not a Jew as so many incorrectly suppose. The book of Luke attests to the prophecy of Isaiah (7:14) coming to pass, where a child was born to a virgin of the daughters of Aaron of the tribe of Levi (priest line). Christ picks up the name of Jew because Mary became the wife of Joseph of the tribe of Judah of the house of David (Judah).

In his birthright, Christ will assume the title of High Priest over all Israel (tribe of Levi of the house of Aaron) and King over all Israel (1st born, married to the tribe of Judah in the house of David).

The term Religion means to be religious in ones practice, it falls in line with the term zealot. Its loosely intended to indicate ones adherence to a doctrine, however it can be related to anything of great affection.

Our Father did not create flesh mankind, for the purpose of them being religious toward this doctrine or that doctrine, or this deity or that deity, as declared by mankind. Our Father is not about the worship of a god, deity, pious entity or any such thing as is declared by men.

The problem from this entire line of thinking (religion), stems from the fact that most people do not understand their Soul and how it transcends this 2nd earth iteration (that is correct I stated 2nd iteration). Read 2nd Peter Chapter 3, where you will discover there are actually 3 earth iterations, of which your soul existed in the 1st and now exists in the 2nd and if your soul should pass judgment, it will go on to exist in the 3rd iteration (Revelation 20 and 21). Also read Genesis chapter 1 and pay special attention to the word used by our father to the races of flesh mankind he created on the 6th day ... The key word there is "replenish". That word... replenish is a term used to indicate replacement or refilling of that which had existed prior.

As for Ishmael and his worship of Mohammed (Islam), read our Fathers position on this in Genesis 16 and 17 as he is very emphatic there concerning ishmael, stating "in Isaac shall the seed be called". Our Father never stated in Mohammed shall the seed be called nor did he state in Ishmael but in Isaac (the son of Abraham and Sarah). Our Father did not hate Ishmael, he simply understood Hagar (Ishmael's mom) not being a direct descendant of Adam (eth-ha-adam) as both Abraham and Sarah actually were.

In John chapter 10 it is stated Christ is the Door, (note it does not indicate Mohammed, not Moses not Ishmael, not Aaron, not Levi, not Judah, not David, not Solomon, not Isaac, not Jacob, not Elijah) no one except Christ is the Door and there is not other way up. Christ paid the price with his life and became the sacrifice for one and all time for the sins of all flesh mankind, which allows all souls to be washed clean and capable of achieving their mission here in this 2nd earth iteration in the flesh. Clean souls with good works to their name, in the book of life, will pass judgment and return home to our Father and Christ ... for ever. The converse to that condition, can be read about in Revelation 20 and 21)

We are not here to determine which religion is better than the other, as religion matters very little. I think one of our sisters, who experienced our Father first hand, via what is called a Near Death experience (NDE), put it best when she referred to our Father as "a knowing". Something tangible, something real, which she then and even until this day interacts with.

Many other NDE refer to our Father as a vast, unconditional, and all encompassing love. I can tell you that for me, connecting with our Fathers soul, for the brief time that I was allowed, meant an existence completely absent of hate, fear, worry, or anxiety.

I guess the single line answer to your question would be that of the three "religions" you described only two allow you to find the pathway to restoring your personal relationship with our Father and Immanuel, so you can achieve your mission in this flesh life. That said, don't get tripped up on religion for religious sake, and never assume you have the authority to judge others. Read the book, Find our what our Father has written for you there, and ask him to guide you in understanding and accomplishment of your mission in the flesh. And don't expect to be provided a mission statement either. You will wind up at the right place at the right moment with the right skill set, I guarantee it. you will usually not realize you have accomplished or failed to accomplish a piece of your mission until after it has already occurred and you look back to reflect upon your actions and how they effected others. So learn about the ripple effect, and how your actions set off the ripple, with others around you, that one, is very tough to master.

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There are generally two issues that I have with the term:

1) Exclusivity: Most people use the term Abrahamic Religions to refer exclusively to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, there are a number of smaller religions that are offshoots of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam that are not considered. Such religions include (with the religion split off from in parenthesis): Karaism (Judaism), Samaritism (Judaism), Gnosticism (Christianity), Quakerism (Christianity), Unitarianism (Christianity), Baha'i (Islam), Druze (Islam), etc. These religions come from the basis and should be considered, but are traditionally excluded.

2) Unclear Boundaries: Religions like Sikhism, which are hybrids between Abrahamic Traditions and Non-Abrahamic Traditions (in the case of Sikhism it is Dharmic Tradition) are not clearly Abrahamic and not clearly other.

As for the Community Answer, it is incorrect as concerns whether or not Levites and Cohens are properly considered Jews. Please see an in-depth discussion on this in the Related Question: Are Levis and Cohens Jews even though they are not descended from Judah?

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