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Q: What are the names of the 70 apostles of Jesus in the orthodox church?
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What were the names Christ gave to the 12 apostles?

They already came with names, Jesus didn't change them.

What is the origin of The Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Orthodox Church was founded by Jesus Himself in the year 33 AD, on the Day of Pentecost. According to Orthodox Christian beliefs, the Orthodox Church has always existed from the beginning of time (called the Church Triumphant) but the physical church on earth (called the Church Militant) was established in Jerusalem in 33 AD and continues to exist to this day without any changes to its dogmas and beliefs. Its purpose is to bring salvation to its members through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour of the world. Both the Orthodox and Catholics claim to have started at the same time, when there was no such thing as Orthodox and Catholic, and there was only the Universal Christian Church. So they both shared a common foundation for the first 1,000 years of their history. However, from the year 1054 AD, which is generally regarded as the Great Schism (or split) in the Universal Church, the two have been known by the names of Orthodox and Catholic. The Orthodox Church claims that the Roman Catholics split from the Body of the Church mainly because of Papal claims of supremacy over the Church, and unauthorized change to the Nicene Creed (the 'filioque' clause), which was not accepted by anyone else at that time.

What were the 12 Apostles of Jesus's last names?

Last names didn't really exist in Biblical times. However, people were identified from the city from which they or their fathers were from. This is why Jesus is called Jesus of Nazareth.

What is Orthodox Christianity?

Orthodox Christianity is the descriptive name given to the faith and beliefs of the Orthodox Church. It is similar to other names such as Roman Catholic Christianity or Protestant Christianity. The name Orthodox means having the correct beliefs and the correct way to glorify God. The Orthodox Church was founded by Jesus Himself in the year 33 AD, on the Day of Pentecost. According to Orthodox Christian beliefs, the Orthodox Church has always existed from the beginning of time (called the Church Triumphant) but the physical church on earth (called the Church Militant) was established in Jerusalem in 33 AD and continues to exist to this day without any changes to its dogmas and beliefs.

What are the names of the three types of oils used in baptism in the Coptic Orthodox church?


What are some the names of the jos the 12 apostles do?

The jobs that most of the 12 apostles did before they met Jesus involved tax gathering and fishing. But when Jesus rose from the dead and after Pentecost, they were all witnesses of his resurrection, and as Jesus said, they were "fishers of men."

Is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in union with the Antiochian Orthodox Church?

Depends which "Ukrainian Orthodox Church" you mean. If you mean the Autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is self-ruld but under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church, the answer is "yes." If you mean the Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in the USA, Europe, and Australia which are under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (although these are certainly NOT a "Ukrainian Orthodox Church," but simply Ukrainian Orthodox dioceses of the Patriarchate of Constantinople), the answer is "yes." If you mean any other Ukrainian Orthodox groups-whther one of the so-called variety of "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox" Churches IN the Ukraine (some of which also now have parishes in the USA), or any of the plethora of vagante, fly by night, non-canoncial, possibly heretical, possibly occult groups in the US that include the words "Ukrainian" and "Orthodox" iin their names, the answer is "NO." See the question "is the Russian orthodox church in union with the ukrainian orthodox church" for more information

What is the meaning in Matthew 10 2?

Matthew 10:2 is the beginning of the list of the names of the twelve apostles of Jesus.

Where can one find the names of the wise men who came to see jesus?

Though the wise men or magi were not named in the New Testament - tradition lists them as 3 men corresponding to the 3 gifts mentioned given to the baby Jesus. For those In the Eastern Church (Orthodox), a variety of different names are given for the three. However, in the Western Church (Catholic), the names have been considered to be settled since the 8th century AD as Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. The names of the Magi were derived from an early 6th century Greek manuscript in Alexandria.

What were three names for early church leaders history?

Three names for early church leaders in history are Peter, Paul, and James. Peter was one of the twelve apostles and a prominent leader in the early Christian church. Paul was a missionary who wrote many of the letters in the New Testament and played a key role in spreading Christianity. James, the brother of Jesus, was a leader in the church in Jerusalem and played a significant role in the early Christian community.

What were the names of Jesus's 12 apostles in Marathi?

There is no mention of Marathi in the Bible. Marathi is an Indo-Aryian language used in India.

If Matthew and John were two of the twelve apostles how could they not have known Jesus?

Of course, if Matthew and John were two of the twelve apostles, they would have known Jesus. However, scholars now realise that Matthew and John were not really the authors of the gospels that now bear their names, with those attributions only being made by the Church Fathers later in the second century, based on the limited evidence by then available. We do not know who wrote the Gospels of Matthew and John, but it is clear that they could not have known Jesus.