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Q: What are the names of all the Jewish ghettos during World War 2?
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What is the diffrence between a jewish ghetto and a nazi ghetto?

The term "Nazi ghetto" is misleading. Nazis were not placed in a ghetto, but rather this is a term to refer to the "ghettos for Jews built by the Nazis" in comparison to the historic Jewish ghettos throughout Europe.One of the fundamental differences between Jewish ghettos prior to the 19th century and those instituted by the Nazis was the size. The Nazi ghettos were larger in physical area, but denser in terms of population (because Jews from the countryside were pushed into the city ghettos).A more noticeable difference was that the Nazi ghettos were completely sealed off from the rest of the city. While historic ghettos sometimes had curfews, during the day Jews could usually leave, do business, and generally interact with Non-Jews. Since the point of the Nazi ghettos was to quarantine the Jews from the rest of the population, they were unable to ever leave the ghetto. Concrete Walls and fences were erected in order to lock the Jews in and these were monitored by Nazi German soldiers.Another difference was the leadership structure of the ghetto. The historic ghettos were given license by the Christian Kings to self-organize as long as they paid taxes and punished crimes perpetrated against Christians. This meant that the Kahal (Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community) made laws and helped organize the area. In the Nazi ghettos, the Nazis created a mockery of the Kahal called the Judenrat which was a council of Jews responsible for implementing Nazi policy within the ghetto and submitting lists of names for deportation to the Death Camps. The lack of Jewish autonomy and set up for the Holocaust are also key differences.

What were the names of some of the ghettos in Lithuania?

Kaunas, Siauliai (Shavli), Vilna were the three main ghettos.

What are some Jewish names that were used during the holocaust?

Joseph, Sarah, Israel are some names.

What name was given to the Jewish males who did not have a Jewish sounding name?

In Germany during the Nazi period, Jewish males who did not have names that were thought to "sound Jewish" were required to take the middle name "Israel."

Is Strecker related to Jewish names?

It may be a Jewish name, if it is used by a Jewish family. If used by a non-Jewish family, then it is not a Jewish name. Virtually all names used by Jewish families are also non-Jewish names.

What are German and Hebrew names during World War 2?

German and Hebrew names were the same during World War II as they were before (or after) the war.

What is the second cup called in the Jewish Passover?

The different glasses of wine drunk during the seder do not have specific names.

Is the last name Swiatkowski Jewish?

unlikely. Slavic names ending in "i" are rarely Jewish names.

Are there any Scottish Jewish names?

A Jewish person may have almost any name possible, but there are no names that are traditionally both Scottish and Jewish.

What were names of men during World War 2?

Some of the names of men during World War Two were Henry, John, Jon, Joseph, Samuel, Harrison, and Nathanial. There are many more names but these are some.

Why do the disciples all have non-Jewish names?

Because in the English Bible the disciples names are a translation of their Jewish name or possibly a transliteration of their Jewish names. For example Simon is English for the Jewish name Shimon and John is the English equivalent of Jochanan

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