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There are thousands of teachins in Jainsim but most of them are related to Science and a few with moral teachings-

  • Non-violence
  • Non-possessiveness
  • Celebacy
  • Principle of pluralism (or Anekantvada)
  • Right faith, Right knowledge, Right conduct , etc.
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A major principle of Jainism is to not harm any form of life. The major tenet of Jainism is to liberate one's soul.

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to be non-vilolent

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Q: What are the major principles of jainism?
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Jainism is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of non-violence towards all living beings.So the principles of the Jainism may be considered as sweet as a chocolate but Jainism is not a chocolate!

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In the age of Mahavir, Jainism was known as "Jin Sashan" which would roughly translate to "Jainism" itself, because 23 other Tirthankaras had preceded Mahavir and spread the principles of Jainism. In the age of Mahavir, his parents and many others were already following Jainism propagated by Parshwanath, the 23rd Tirthankar of Jainism.

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What are the major ceremonies and festivals of jainism?

the main festival of jain's is Mahavira jayanti and Diwali

What four main teachings of Jainism?

the jain try to live by four principles: injure no life, tell the truth, do not steal, and own no property.

What are four main teaching of Jainism?

the jain try to live by four principles: injure no life, tell the truth, do not steal, and own no property.

Was Jainism a study of or a reaction to Hinduism?

Jainism was a distinct religious tradition that emerged in ancient India around the same time as Hinduism. While its teachings and practices share some similarities with Hinduism, Jainism developed as a separate path with unique beliefs, principles, and practices that differ in significant ways from Hinduism. Jainism emphasizes non-violence, self-discipline, and non-attachment as core values in striving for spiritual liberation.

Is Jainism a Universalizing or Ethnic Religion?

Jainism is a universalizing religion, as it seeks to attract followers from all backgrounds and does not restrict membership based on ethnicity or nationality. It emphasizes the value of all life and promotes principles of non-violence, compassion, and self-discipline.

What four major religions originated in India?

Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhidm originated in India