There are no major foods of Scientology, but no taking any form of psychiatric medicine at all whatsoever. Actually, that is not true. While in the Sea Org, the paramilitary wing of $cientology, you can be put into the Rehabilitation Project Force (against your will and indefinitely) and made to subsist on a diet consisting entirely of beans and rice. Yummy!
The Internal Revenue Service grants a tax exemption to the Church of Scientology of California.
Scientology is in a small minority in all countries where it is found. There are no reliable statistics, but the country with the largest number of Scientologists would be the United States.
Scientology is Fake.
the one of major foods is tropicana
You have to take a class for Scientology.
Jedi, Scientology and Trollology. they have replaced the old relligions and soon they will replace YOU!
There are over 11'000 Scientology churches, missions and groups worldwide. To find the closest one to you, you can use the "Scientology church locator" on the Scientology website. That is a map that shows you the location of all Scientology churches and missions.
The Scandal of Scientology
Scientology was invented by the author Ron Hubbard.
Scientology cross was created in 1955.
The Scandal of Scientology was created in 1971.