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Islam has many branches and denominations. It is, in this way, like Christianity. There are several main branches of Islam and several important small distinct groups. The major two branches or schools in Islamic religion are Sunnis and Shiites.

Additionally, there are Sufis and Kharijites/Ibadis.

Some of the small but religiously important groups are the Druze, the Dervishes, and Ismaili Islam.

There are also several somewhat important sects and movements, such as Wahabiism, Moorish Science, Nation of Islam, and the Qur'anists.

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12y ago

There are 2 main branches of Islam: Sunni & Shi'a. Sunni Islam is practiced more in North Africa where as Shi'a is practiced more in the Middle East.

There's also a branch of Muslim extremists like the Al-Qaeda & Taliban.

The guy above me is kinda wrong. Really its told in the quran that your not suppose to make any divisons (branches). But as told they're people that say they are part of one which are Sunni and shia. Sunni is practices around everywhre. Shiite are only in Iraq and Iran. And al-qaeda and taliban arent any branches. Theyre just exreemist groups that are really stupid.

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11y ago

The right word for describing the sub branches of Islam is Sects in Islam. Only Allah knows the best so as to how many sects there exactly are although currently 45 or so sects are clearly known. It is prohibited to make sects in Islam.

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15y ago

The two major sects are the Sunnis and Shi'ites. There are quite a number of smaller sects as well.

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12y ago

the two main well known sects of Islam are the sunni's and the shi'ites.

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What are main sects of Islam?

The two main sects are Sunnis and Shiites. refer to question below for more information.

What are the two branches of the Islam?

it is more accurate in religious sciences if we apply sect instead of branches.therefore we have to say in Islam religion we have two sects,shiite as minority and Sunni as majority.Sunni and shiism are two main sects of islam religion.

Sunnis and shiites are followers of what religion?

they are two main great sects if Islam religion. Sunni as majority and Shiah as minority comprise two great sects in Islam religion.

What religion do the Sunnis and Shiites follow?

shiah as minority and sunni as majority are two main sects of islam.

Shiite and Sunni were two factions of what religions?

they are two sect or fraction of Islam religion. Sunnism as Majority and Shiite as minority are two main sects in Islam religion.

What versions of Islam exists?

There is only one version of Islam . If you means sects , than there are many sects but basic two are Sunni and Shia .

How many religions have Sunnis and Shiites?

as far as i know , just in Islam religion that we have two main sects by the name of Sunnism And Shiism.

What are the distinguishing features of each of the major Islamic sects?

Sunni:Follows the Sunnah and Teachings of Islam Shia: Does New Ideas that Sunni Muslims believe are not in Islam Sufi: they also bring new ideas in Islam that are Not Allowed in Sunni Islam

What is another name for a major division of a religion particularly of that of Islam?

Sects of Islam

What are the two major sects of the Islamic religion?

Sunni Islam and Shia Islam

Are the Sunni and the shiite main branches islam?

the sunni and the shiite are two main sects of islam religion.the are agree in three principles like divine unity,belief in ressurrection and prophecy.shiite,in spite of that,shiite belief in justice and imamate.

What religions are practiced in Islam?

Islam is a religion. It has several sects and schools, but it is one religion.