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Siddhartha saw old age, sickness and death!

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Q: What are the horriole things that siddhartha saw?
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Why is Siddhartha not happy when the novel opens?

He saw that there was suffering in the world.

Why did Siddhartha choose to become a religious leader?

When Siddhartha Gautama left the palace for the first time as an adult, he saw a man who seemed to be suffering. Then he saw a monk who had no possesions, but seemed to be so peaceful, so he gave up his life of luxury to become a monk.

Why did siddartha leave his family?

Siddhartha left his family to become Buddha and find enlightenment

What four people did Siddhartha see when he ventured outside the palace four times?

Siddhartha saw a old man, crippled man, beggar and a dead man.

What did siddhartha guatama see?

Siddhartha Guatama saw Illness, Death, A Holyman and Old Age.

Which statement explains Siddhartha's Gautama's motivation to develop an alternative to Hinduism traditions?

siddhartha saw the suffering and hardships of life due to Hinduism. his belief that life should not all be suffering lead to Buddhism.

In the book 'Siddhartha' why does Govinda follow Siddhartha?

I think it was because Siddhartha taught Govinda something he never thought of before. Govinda was a Monk who spent his whole life meditating and attempting to understand the nature of being, he believes nirvana awaits at the end of a journey. Siddhartha says that understanding comes from loving things for what they are. He speaks of a stone, saying that we respect the stone because it will be many things, but Siddhartha is saying that he loves the stone because it has been so many things already, and it will always be/is everything. Thusly the stone is the same as us. Govinda has always been as Siddhartha says a "seeker" he has spent his life in contemplation trying to reach a goal and Siddhartha teaches him that the achievement is in understanding and appreciating the moment, or the rock. Nirvana is within the self, not somewhere else. All things are good because all things are each other. Maybe.

What does Siddhartha learn from ferry man?

Siddhartha learns about the importance of patience, understanding, and connecting with nature from the ferryman. Through their interactions, the ferryman helps Siddhartha gain insights into life, death, and the interconnectedness of all things. Ultimately, the ferryman guides Siddhartha towards achieving enlightenment and inner peace.

Who is the founder of Buddhisim?

Siddhartha Guatama. The day before his mother (the queen) was pregnant she went to a "counselor" the "counselor" said that when Siddharha sees the 3 ways of life he will not take the throne and go to be a Buddhist. When his dad heard this he got furious he wanted Siddhartha to be the next king not a stupid Buddhist. So he kept Siddhartha and his wife and new children in the castle when he was king. One day Siddhartha wanted to go out. He saw the 3 ways of life. 1. Sickness. 2. Injury's. 3. Death. He never wanted to do the 3 things and go threw suffering so he came up with Buddhism. Siddhartha Guatama is the founder of Buddhism.

According to Siddhartha what caused all pain and suffering?

Selfishness and wanting things

Does Siddhartha have a bad life?

No, it was royalty until he saw 4 sights - a sick man, a poor man, a beggar, and a corpse.

What are the steps to nirvana in Buddhism?

Siddhartha's mom, Queen Maya, had a dream (sorry, I don't know what the dream was about) while she was pregnant with Siddhartha. She thought she should know what the dream meant, so she asked the holy men. They told her it meant that her if Siddhartha stayed in the royal life, he would be the ruler of the universe, but if he left the royal life, he would become the Buddha. Siddhartha's father, of course, wanted Siddhartha to become the ruler of the universe, so he provided the best of everything for his son. Then when Siddhartha was sixteen he got married. Then when he was twenty-nine he had a son. Siddhartha's father finally decided that Siddhartha could leave the palace walls since he had a son and a wife to keep him home. Siddhartha took three trips outside of the palace, and he saw suffering for the first time. The first trip he saw an old man. The second trip he saw a sick man. On the third trip he saw a dead man. And on the fourth trip he saw an ascetic. An ascetic is an extremely peaceful person. Siddhartha saw the ascetic and was so impressed by how peaceful he was despite the suffering around him, that he decided to become an ascetic too. Siddhartha then took the life of an ascetic. He gave up all his fancy things, shaved his head and meditated a lot. But Siddhartha did not feel like this was the way to reach Enlightenment, and then Nirvana. So he gave up the life of an ascetic, and decided to take the middle path, which is a cross between wealthy and poor like an ascetic. (Kind of like the middle class today.) Siddhartha then went to meditate under the Bodhi tree for forty days. There he discovered the four noble truths, the eightfold path, and nirvana and enlightenment. That's how he became the Buddha.