Judaism has that Tanakh [comprised of the Torah (Law), Prophets, and Writings]
Islam has the Qur'an.
The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh in Judaism, is holy to both Jews and Muslims as well as Christians. In addition the Qur'an is the chief holy book of Islam, similar to the New Testament's role in Christianity. However, Muslims believe that the Tanakh as the Jews have it is incomplete (no New Testament) and is corrupted (no Ishmael sacrifice).
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Christianity has the Bible with the Old and New Testament. Judaism has the Old Testament along with the Talmud. Islam's holy book is the Koran.
It depends entirely according to the religion and in many cases according to the sect of the religion followed. If you narrow the scope to monotheistic religions, the holiness comes just from God. So those books that are related to him are holy.
The Holy Bible is from God and is the scripture of Christianity.
The Holy Trinity is describe as a monotheistic God.There is conflict if they would have 3 Gods.The Holy Trinity is one God.They proceed from each other.
It depends on the religion
I don't know what you mean but each Prophet has a book that came down upon them. That made the religions. For example; In the Islamic religion, the holy book is the Quran. In the Christian religion, their holy book is the Bible, while in the Jewish religion, their holy book is the Torah.
Almost all major religions have holy books and holy languages.
All three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have important holy sites in Jerusalem.
The Qur'n, the Bible, the Tora
mono - one monotheistic relgion refers to one god Eg. Christianity, Islamic, which believe in one god Monotheistic relgions usually do not worship idols, or other forms, they only worship their god - Jesus Christ / Allah They use prayer to ask their God for things like forgiveness. Both Christians and Muslims both have a holy book, the Bible and the Qur'an which is a feature of monotheistic relgion aswell, they use these holy books to help them with daily life rituals and laws which are authored by their God
A monotheistic religion has only one god. Examples of monotheistic religions are Judaism and Islam. Christianity is generally defined as a monotheistic religion even though the Christian god is tripart (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). Interestingly, although they follow different prophets, Judaism, Islam and Christianity worship the same god.
the holy books are the evidence
People read their holy books for guidance, inspiration, moral teachings, and to deepen their connection to their faith and spirituality. Reading the holy book can provide a sense of comfort, community, and a way to understand the beliefs and principles of their religion.