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The first step is contrition, that is saying sorry to the people you have sinned to and getting their apology...Feel sorry for your sins too... this has cleansed you 50 %

The second step is self examination. Recall all the sins you have commited.

The third step is to confess it in the confessional box.

The last step is say the penance which you have been told by the priest.

This has cleansed your soul 100 %

God Bless!!!!

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13y ago

the first step is to greet the priest, second do the sign of the cross, third say this to the priest "father forgive me that I have sinned my last confession was______,

fourth say your sins to the priest, fifth pray the act of contrition, and the sixth wait for the priest to say your penance and he will pray the prayer of absolution and then after that pray your penance

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13y ago

the first step is to greet the priest, second do the sign of the cross, third say this to the priest "father forgive me that I have sinned my last confession was______,

fourth say your sins to the priest, fifth pray the act of contrition, and the sixth wait for the priest to say your penance and he will pray the prayer of absolution and then after that pray your penance

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14y ago

First you go to the priest and say, "I am in need of God's mercy, especially when I..." state your sins, and then the priest will talk them over with you. He will give you penance, meaning he will give you some prayers to say, or tell you to do something nice. GO back and pray, and you'll walk out of the church with a huge lift taken off your shoulders!

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contrition, confession, penance, and absolution. :)

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15y ago

== == you tell the priest you are sorry for your sins and you explain to him why you are sorry for doing it.

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Q: What are the four steps to Catholic confession?
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