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The four Gospel accounts that record the life of Jesus are: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The four New Testament gospels provide accounts of Jesus' life death and resurrection. The gospels were all written anonymously but later in the second century were attributed to the persons whose names they now bear.

The first New Testament gospel to be written is now known as Mark's Gospel. It does not include an account of Jesus' birth and, because it ended at verse 16:8, with the young man telling the women that Jesus was risen and they fled in terror, telling no one, originally did not include an account of Jesus' resurrection. The 'Long Ending', more or less based on Luke's Gospel, was added much later, to provide an account of the resurrection.

Matthew's Gospel was substantially based on Mark's Gospel, with additional sayings material taken from the hypothetical 'Q' document. This gospel contains an account of Jesus' birth, his ancestry back through his earthly father Joseph and Joseph's father Jacob, and an account of the resurrection and his appearance to the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, when he sent them away with the Great Commission to preach to all nations.

Luke's was also based on Mark's Gospel, with additional sayings material taken from the hypothetical 'Q' document. This gospel contains an account of Jesus' birth, his ancestry back through his earthly father Joseph and Joseph's father Heli, and an account of the resurrection and his appearance to the disciples in a room in Jerusalem, then his ascension to heaven near Bethany on the evening of his resurrection (Luke 24:50-51). Acts of the Apostles was written some time later by the same author, but places the ascension to heaven forty days after Jesus' resurrection.

John's Gospel was inspired by Luke's Gospel but is also considered to contain material taken direct from Mark. It does not contain an account of Jesus' birth nor his ancestry , but contains the most elaborate account of Jesus' resurrection appearances. In this gospel, Jesus appeared to ten of the disciples in the room in Jerusalem, then to all eleven disciples in the same room, some two weeks later. Then he appeared to the disciples as they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament, they tell about Jesus' life and death.

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Q: Which four books of the Bible give an account of Jesus' life death and resurrection?
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