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Genesis, the book of creation, and Malachi, a book of prophecy. Then comes the gospels and New Testament.

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Q: What are the first and the last books of the Hebrew Old Testament?
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How meaney books of Old Testament?

There are a total of 39 books in the old testament . Genesis is the first book and Malachi is the last book.

What is the book after Chronicles?

In the Old Testament 1 and 2 Chronicles are the 13th and 14th books. Ezra is the book in the bible that follows 2 chronicles. In Hebrew Bibles, Chronicles is the last book, and all the other books precede it.

What is the name of the last book of the Old Testaments?

The modern arrangement of books in the Old Testament part of the Bible has the Book of Malachi as the final OT book. For Jews who call the written Torah the Tanakh with the section called the Kethuvim (Writings) list Chronicles as the final 'scroll.'

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What are the parts of The Bible?

old testament and new testament Answer2: The Bibie is broken down into 66 books, the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament or Christian Greek Scriptures. The first chapters of the Bible explain how the world's problems got started, and the last chaptees tell us how God will solve those problems by making the earth a paradise. The Bible covers thousands of years of human history.

What is the name of the last testament?

The last testament is known as the New Testament in the Christian Bible. It comprises the books of the Bible that recount the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early Christian church.

What are the last books of the old testament most commonly called?


Which books of the Old Testament tell how God cared for His people?

The theme throughout the Hebrew Bible is that of the relationship between God and the Israelites, from Genesis through the last of the Hebrew prophets. Even passages that harshly scold the Israelites, or foretell punishments, are part of the theme of God's care for the Israelites, for the reason given in Amos 3:2.

When was the Old Testament concluded?

The book of Malachi is the last book in the Hebrew scriptures, or the "old testament". Malachi was completed in the year 443 B.C.E.

Where is the word bread found in the Bible?

The word "Bread" occurs over 250 times in the combined Hebrew Bible and New Testament. The first reference to bread is in Genesis 14:18; The last reference is in Hebrews 9:2. Most references come from the Hebrew Bible, with fewer in the New Testament.

What are the last 4 books of the old testament?

Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

Why do Catholics have a different canon of scripture for the Old Testament than Jews and some other Christian groups?

The books used in the TaNaK (the Hebrew Bible) are almost the same ones, which were canonized into the Catholic old testament. The main difference between the two cannons is the order the books are presented. The TaNaK is organized with the Torah, also called the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy), as the first five books, because they were the most important and establish the laws of God. The next section is the Nevi'im, which is the all of the teachings from the prophets after Moses. The last section is the Ketuvim, which means "Writings," and contains all the poetic and historical Hebrew Literature. When the Catholics canonized the books of the TaNaK into the Old Testament, the books were rearranged to follow a more of a chronological order of event. The first five books (the Torah), were left unmoved, but everything else was scattered. More or less the Catholic canon moved most of the prophet's books, and put them towards the back of the old testament, without changing their original order. The writings were placed between the Pentateuch and the books of the prophets, and the order of those books was changed. Other small changes included the Catholics dividing the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles into 2 books each (1 & 2 Samuel/Kings/Chronicles), but the content was unchanged. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah where one book in the TaNaK, but the Catholics separated them into two separate books. Some non Catholic, Christian religions have changed the order of the books even further, and some may have added additional Hebrew texts, not found in the Hebrew Bible.