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When it comes to Hinduism, it is believed to be the oldest religion in the world, where its origin occurs before history was ever recorded. There is no founder to give credit to its discovery and establishment. In this article, you will find interesting facts about the religion that you may have not known of. Hinduism is broken into four key denominations, which are Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, as well as Smartism. Throughout these belief systems, there are nine main points associated with Hinduism. Although many concepts are embraced when following a religion, there are some points that are considered more important than others. To understand the depth of this religion, you must explore some of the prime beliefs: The religion calls for the belief in one, �Supreme Being,� who stands for both the creator, as well as a reality. Karma, which stands for the cause and effect of an individuals choices and destiny is another main belief. The thoughts, actions and words of an individual can affect their karma. With karma, you may already have a simple understanding of this concept. It is basically the belief that what comes around goes around, whether it is a positive, negative or indifferent action, emotion, thought or event. It is basically a reflection of the soul of an individual. Karma should not be confused with fate. Karma deals with the free will of a person. In regards to karma, what happens to you is supposedly a direct reflection of your own actions. A strong person is one who accepts their karma, where a weak individual will blame others for their misfortune. Hindus hold the belief of the four Vedas high in their mind. This is considered the most ancient scripture throughout the world. When following Hinduism, it is believed that al living things are to be honored, where acts of noninjury should be expresses. This pertains to the thoughts, words and actions of an individual. Ongoing cycles of �creation, preservation and dissolution� within the universe is a main belief of this religion. Hindus believe that the soul can be reincarnated, undergoing a cycle of rebirth. Hindus believe that a soul is able to undergo numerous lifetimes within a physical body. All of the past lives that you have led, contribute to the person you are today. This is also a reason why it is taught not to fear death because you will eventually continue living through another physical body. Hindus believe that they can communicate with divine beings when they attend temple worship, rituals, as well as study holy sacraments. When worshipping, scented objects, flowers, incense and lamps are offered during this time. This is when a Hindu presents their feelings for God. Prayer and meditation are also ways to worship God. It is believed that God, Gods and devas are considered real, living in an inner world. Some of the results of prayer lead to the answering of what is asked, as well as the softening of karma. An attitude of understanding and tolerance is taught within the religion, where all religious teachings are not to be looked down upon and that no one way of worship should be considered better than another. ten commitments: 1. Ahimsa - do no harm

2. Satya - do not lie

3. Asteya - do not steal

4. Brahmacharya - do not overindulge

5. Aparigraha - do not be greedy

6. Saucha - be clean

7. Santosha - be content

8. Tapas - be self-disciplined

9. Svadhyaya - study

10. Ishvara Pranidhana - surrender to God

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11y ago

One view point:

When it comes to Hinduism, it is believed to be the oldest religion in the world, where its origin occurs before history was ever recorded. There is no founder to give credit to its discovery and establishment. In this article, you will find interesting facts about the religion that you may have not known of.

Hinduism is broken into four key denominations, which are Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, as well as Smartism. Throughout these belief systems, there are nine main points associated with Hinduism. Although many concepts are embraced when following a religion, there are some points that are considered more important than others. To understand the depth of this religion, you must explore some of the prime beliefs:

The religion calls for the belief in one, Supreme Being, who stands for both the creator, as well as a reality.

Karma, which stands for the cause and effect of an individuals choices and destiny is another main belief. The thoughts, actions and words of an individual can affect their karma. With karma, you may already have a simple understanding of this concept. It is basically the belief that what comes around goes around, whether it is a positive, negative or indifferent action, emotion, thought or event. It is basically a reflection of the soul of an individual. Karma should not be confused with fate. Karma deals with the free will of a person. In regards to karma, what happens to you is supposedly a direct reflection of your own actions. A strong person is one who accepts their karma, where a weak individual will blame others for their misfortune.

Hindus hold the belief of the four Vedas high in their mind. This is considered the most ancient scripture throughout the world.

When following Hinduism, it is believed that all living things are to be honored, where acts of non injury should be expresses. This pertains to the thoughts, words and actions of an individual.

Ongoing cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution within the universe is a main belief of this religion.

Hindus believe that the soul can be reincarnated, undergoing a cycle of rebirth. Hindus believe that a soul is able to undergo numerous lifetimes within a physical body. All of the past lives that you have led, contribute to the person you are today. This is also a reason why it is taught not to fear death because you will eventually continue living through another physical body.

Hindus believe that they can communicate with divine beings when they attend temple worship, rituals, as well as study holy sacraments. When worshiping, scented objects, flowers, incense and lamps are offered during this time. This is when a Hindu presents their feelings for God. Prayer and meditation are also ways to worship God. It is believed that God, Gods and divas are considered real, living in an inner world. Some of the results of prayer lead to the answering of what is asked, as well as the softening of karma.

An attitude of understanding and tolerance is taught within the religion, where all religious teachings are not to be looked down upon and that no one way of worship should be considered better than another.

ten commitments: 1. Ahinsa - do no harm

2. Satya - do not lie

3. Asteya - do not steal

4. Brahmacharya - do not overindulge

5. Aparigraha - do not be greedy

6. Saucha - be clean

7. Santosha - be content

8. Tapas - be self-disciplined

9. Svadhyaya - study

10. Ishvara Pranidhana - surrender to God

View from another point:

Hinduism in its present form is rooted on 10 philosophical schools and 2 unorganized philosophies namely

1.Sankhya school-

"consciousness, in an evolving primordial Matter, trying to achieve a higher equilibrium(satva) defying inertia ( tamas) by using active forces ( rajas)"

2.Yoga school,

A school emphasizing meditation closely based on Samkya ( in later stages) It concerned principally with the cultivation of the mind using meditation (dhyana) to further one's acquaintance with reality and finally achieve liberation.

3.Nyaya school or logics

It believed that obtaining valid knowledge was the only way to obtain release from suffering

4.Vaisheshika school:

school of atomism says universe is build by minute particles which is being controlled by universal consciousness

5.Mimamsa school, Emphasized on the ritualistic vedic tradition

6.Vedanta school, Emphasized on the philosophical vedic teachings, notably monoism and non duality, the goal of Vedanta is a state of self-realization or cosmic consciousness

7.Buddhist school: (Shramana school) Emphasis on karma, liberation from suffering, Noble Eightfold Path and middle way.

8.Jainist school: (Shramana school) Every living soul as potentially divine. When the soul sheds its karmic bonds completely, it attains divine consciousness. It prescribes a path of non-violence to progress the soul to this ultimate goal.

9.Cārvāka school: Not believed in those which cannot be perceived.

10.Ajivaka school : believes in fate, which dictates one's life.

11(Folk hindu).Nature worship- saktiyism mother earth goddess, city goddess,snake worship (nagaradhana), mountain gods, kaavu.

12. Ancestor soul worship- (karanavar aatma).believes that a family is protected by ansistors.

All these were both atheistic and theistic (in context of belief in god) at some point or other in history.

Among this the 5 and 6 recognized Vedic authority. First 3 recognized Vedic authority partially (or from some point of time in history.). 7, 8 and 9 don't recognized Vedic authority.

Fusion of above philosophies and beliefs of the other indigenous people like ancestor worships and nature worships resulted in the three main Indian religions in its present form (Hinduism Buddhism and Jainism)

Olden times philosophies of India were broadly classified as Brahmanas ( or Brahmanae by Greeks) (of Vedic tribes) and shramanas or ( Sarmanae by Greeks) (7, 8 &9). Later, by name Smartist (Vedic) and shramanas (non Vedic).

Major characters of Hindu belief:

1. Pre Vedic (folk) - based on local believes

2. Vedic - Based on vedic belief

3. Shramana -based on nonvedic believes.

4. Smartist -based on vedanta,upanishad

5. Puranic- based on stories of puranas, ramayana, mahabharata, bhagavat gita.

6. Karmic -based on karma, duty,yoga etc

7. Bhakti - Based on practice of worship.

Interesting features of Hinduism:The most interesting feature of Hinduism is that it keeps all the secrets of life in a coded form, which an interested Hindu can decode easily.

Hinduism has seven basic gods, each of which is symbolic of a basic force that controls our skeletal muscles and thus our entire life.

The seven basic Hindu gods:

These are,

1. Dreaming force - Indra

2. Illusory force - Shakti

3. Voluntary force - Brahma

4. Semi voluntary force - Vishnu

5. Involuntary force - Shiva

6. Status altering force - Shani

7. Compulsive force - Yama.

Brahman is symbolic of Instinctive force and is based on logic.

Equal comfort in thinking and activities:

Vishnu is the default Hindu god and thus a Hindu is equally comfortable with thinking and activities.

Total mastery of control over thoughts and actions:

By knowing the properties of the gods a Hindu can easily understand the basic forces and the thinking associated with it. Thus, a Hindu can have absolute control over his thoughts and actions.

Absolute freedom:

Because of the enormous control Hinduism gives over thoughts and actions a Hindu can lead the entire spectrum of life. There is nothing else on this planet that can enable us to have this much freedom in life.

Holistic society:

Because of the absolute freedom in a Hindu society one can see the entire spectrum of life in it. Thus, Hindu society is the most colorful society.

Designer gods to suit every Hindu:

By selecting and combining the properties of the seven basic forces, a Hindu can create a god to specifically suit him. This is the reason why Hinduism has more gods than in any other religion. It is for this same reason that Hindus believed that there were 330 million Hindu gods, which was supposed to be the population at that time.

Absolute Moksha:

Hindus can attain absolute Moksha because the seven gods enable a Hindu to know what is common to them, which is nothing but Brahman. When we reach this state there would be seven gods below to implement the commands of this supreme god. If there is just one god attaining Moksha is not possible. What can be reached is just a total union with the god we believe in.

The absolute fact:

Hinduism is the only religion that is based on absolute facts. Other religions are based on beliefs. An absolute fact is universal and eternal. Hinduism is is the only religion that openly declares that 'I' and the supreme god Brahman are one and the same! there symbol represents meditation. POO

It is the oldest religion in the world. It is the first religion to be accepting of all other religions. It is entirely based of the scientific method. It has the most gods of any religion. Most of the followers say that the holy books are just stories made to teach morals and didn't really happen. It has influenced all the religions of the planet. It's original name was Sanatana Dharma (The eternal religion).


The question is about facts of Hinduism. Whoever, modified the answer has added Hindu beliefs.

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13y ago

Hinduism originated on the Indian (India) subcontinent long ago.

It is the world's 3rd largest religion (after Christianity and Islam). <----Hinduism isn't an actual religion, it's based on Dharma. I learned that in school and now I'm doing a project on it, and i came across this nonsence...

It is often spoken of as Sanātana Dharma, of which "the eternal law" is a rough translation.

It is frequently called the "oldest religious tradition" or the like, and it has no single founder, but, rather, stems from a collection of ancient traditions and ideas. It easily predates Christian and Islamic traditions by thousands of years with origins in prehistory. It might be said that Hinduism was tooled with the heart and the mind of man from out of the superstitions of prehistoric peoples.

The major divisions are Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Smartism and Shaktism. Or, if you prefer six divisions, Folk Hinduism, Vedic Hinduism, Vedantic, Yogic, Bhakti, and "Dharmic" Hinduism. It's a large and and ancient tradition, and there are several ways of looking at it; it's deep roots and diversity, and its "openness" challenge catagorization.

There are many notions of a higher power. God is one being, or is many different personalities, or is expressed in everything in the universe, or does not exist at all. There are variations of the theme, and each is a valid Hindu tradition.

It has a huge number of scriptures, and they can be divided into Åšruti, or "revealed" texts, and Smriti, or "remembered" texts.

The Upanishads and the Vedas are the scriptures of primary importance.

The Agama, the Purāṇas and the Tantras, as well as the epics Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa, are also of great importance to the tradition.

Hinduism sees life in different ways. A more popularly understood tradition is that it is a circular path with Karma determining whether someone returns (reincarnation - samsāra) or is "saved" (freed - moksha) and exits the cycle. Or life was given by divine power, even as everything was created by divine will. And when certain religious traditions have been met, the believer returns to the relm of the divine. There is the view that as there is no supreme power and that divinity exists in the universe as a whole, when life is ended here, the individual no longer exists.

A definition of Hinduism, given by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent theologian and the first Vice President of India may be of interest. He states that it (Hinduism) is not "just a faith", but in itself related to the union of reason and intuition, and as such, it can not be defined, but is only to be experienced. An easy translation of his comments would be that an individual would have to live it to understand it, and this might be fairly said of any religion. A link is provided below to the Wikipedia article on Hinduism. The post is a good sized one - as it should be. And it is full of links to further reading on this, the "mother of all religious traditons" that the world embraces.

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16y ago

There are some supportive views taken on women is shastra (scripture), but with Muslim occupation some negative views of women interpolated into Hinduism. Jainism interpolated into Hinduism also, they strongly advocated against animal sacrifice and in some cases halted the use of unions and garlic in orthodox Hindu cooking. One of the Hindu systems of medicine Ayurveda, is the oldest written form of medicine. Considered a "healing science" by the World Health Organisation as well. The Hindu god Ram's father Raja Dashratha Raghu is historically documented to have existed. A number of Hindus believe that children are a gift from god. And as such it's really bad karma to abuse or harm them in any way. A chchhaliya is a ring placed on a child's finger as a reminder that they're a gift. Yad/yada is a Sanskrit term for whichever, whomever, whatever. So, yada, yada, yada, is a Sanskrit derivation. These are just some facts.

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14y ago

meaning of name Hinduism, from the Persian hindu(Sanskrit sindhu), literally "river." Means "of the Indus Valley" or simply "Indian." Hindus call their religion sanatama dharma,"eternal religion" or "eternal truth." date founded Earliest forms date to 1500 BC or earlier place founded India founder none adherents 900 million size rank third largest in the world main location India, also United Kingdom and United States major sects Saivism, Vaisnavism, Saktism sacred texts Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita original language Sanskrit spiritual leader guru or sage place of worship temple or home shrine theism pantheism with polytheistic elements (see Is Hinduism Polytheistic?) ultimate reality Brahman human nature in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but able to escape purpose of life to attain liberation (moksa) from the cycle of reincarnation how to live order life according to the dharma afterlife if karma unresolved, soul is born into a new body; if karma resolved, attain moksa (liberation) major holidays Mahashivarati (mid-February)
Holi (Spring)
Ramnavami (late March)
Dusserah (early November)
Diwali (mid-November)

Hinduism by the Numbers

three paths:
  • karmamarga - path of works and action
  • jnanamarga - path of knowledge or philosophy
  • bhaktimarga - path of devotion to God

three debts:
  • debt to God
  • debt to sages and saints
  • debt to ancestors

four stages of life:
  • brahmacharga - school years - grow and learn
  • grhastha - marriage, family and career
  • vanaprastha - turn attention to spiritual things
  • sanrgasu - abandon world to seek spiritual things

four purposes of life:
  • dharma - fulfill moral, social and religious duties
  • artha - attain financial and worldy success
  • kama - satisfy desires and drives in moderation
  • moksha - attain freedom from reincarnation

seven sacred cities:
  • Ayodhya
  • Mathura
  • Gaya (Bodhgaya)
  • Kasi (Varanasi, Benares)
  • Kanci
  • Avantika (Ujjain)
  • Dvaraka

ten commitments: 1. Ahimsa - do no harm
2. Satya - do not lie
3. Asteya - do not steal
4. Brahmacharya - do not overindulge
5. Aparigraha - do not be greedy
6. Saucha - be clean
7. Santosha - be content
8. Tapas - be self-disciplined
9. Svadhyaya - study
10. Ishvara Pranidhana - surrender to God meaning of name Hinduism, from the Persian hindu (Sanskrit sindhu), literally "river." Means "of the Indus Valley" or simply "Indian." Hindus call their religion sanatama dharma,"eternal religion" or "eternal truth." date founded Earliest forms date to 1500 BC or earlier place founded India founder none adherents 900 million size rank third largest in the world main location India, also United Kingdom and United States major sects Saivism, Vaisnavism, Saktism sacred texts Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita original language Sanskrit spiritual leader guru or sage place of worship temple or home shrine theism pantheism with polytheistic elements (see Is Hinduism Polytheistic?) ultimate reality Brahman human nature in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but able to escape purpose of life to attain liberation (moksa) from the cycle of reincarnation how to live order life according to the dharma afterlife if karma unresolved, soul is born into a new body; if karma resolved, attain moksa (liberation) major holidays Mahashivarati (mid-February)
Holi (Spring)
Ramnavami (late March)
Dusserah (early November)
Diwali (mid-November) Hinduism by the Numbers

three paths:
  • karmamarga - path of works and action
  • jnanamarga - path of knowledge or philosophy
  • bhaktimarga - path of devotion to God

three debts:
  • debt to God
  • debt to sages and saints
  • debt to ancestors

four stages of life:
  • brahmacharga - school years - grow and learn
  • grhastha - marriage, family and career
  • vanaprastha - turn attention to spiritual things
  • sanrgasu - abandon world to seek spiritual things

four purposes of life:
  • dharma - fulfill moral, social and religious duties
  • artha - attain financial and worldy success
  • kama - satisfy desires and drives in moderation
  • moksha - attain freedom from reincarnation

seven sacred cities:
  • Ayodhya
  • Mathura
  • Gaya (Bodhgaya)
  • Kasi (Varanasi, Benares)
  • Kanci
  • Avantika (Ujjain)
  • Dvaraka

ten commitments: 1. Ahimsa - do no harm
2. Satya - do not lie
3. Asteya - do not steal
4. Brahmacharya - do not overindulge
5. Aparigraha - do not be greedy
6. Saucha - be clean
7. Santosha - be content
8. Tapas - be self-disciplined
9. Svadhyaya - study
10. Ishvara Pranidhana - surrender to God

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12y ago

Here are 20 facts about Hinduism:

  1. Meaning of Name: Hinduism, from the Persian Hindu (Sanskrit sindhu), literally "river." Means "of the Indus Valley" or simply "Indian." Hindus call their religion sanatama dharma,"eternal religion" or "eternal truth."
  2. Date Founded: Hinduism is the world's oldest known religion. History of Hinduism can be traced back to 5000-10,000 B.C.
  3. Place Founded / Origin: Hinduism originated in India. Hinduism is largely based on the teachings from Vedas.
  4. Founder: Hinduism has no single founder. It has been evolving over the thousands of years and will continue to.
  5. Known as: People who follow Hinduism are called as "Hindus." Hinduism is also known as "Hindu Dharma (Hindu Religion)," "Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Religion)," "Vedic Religion," or Vedic Dharma.
  6. Adherents: More than 1 billion followers.
  7. Size Rank: Third largest in the world
  8. Location: Most of the Hindus live in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka with considerable presence in all other parts of the world also. About 85% of Hindus live in India. That is why India is also called as "Hindustan."
  9. Major Sects: Hinduism consists of different sects like Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. The common people follow all the three sects collectively worshiping Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Devi.
  10. Sacred Books or Scriptures: Four Vedas, Upanishadas, Bhagvadgita, 18 Puranas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata are the sacred books of Hindus.
  11. Original Language: Most of the Hindu scriptures are written in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all the languages. Sanskrit is considered to be the language of demi-Gods.
  12. Spiritual Leader: Guru or Sage
  13. Place of Worship: Temple or Home Shrine
  14. Theism: Pantheism with polytheistic elements.
  15. Stages of life: According to Hinduism, four stages of life are
    • Brahmcharyashram (Student phase)
    • Grihastahshram (Living with wife and children)
    • Vanprasthashram (leaving the home and pray to God, may keep contact with family)
    • Sanyasashram (discard everything in life including wife, children, and material things)
  16. Symbols: AUM and Swastika are the main symbols of Hinduism. Besides those, Trishul, Tilak, Lingam, Shri, and Yantra are other popular Hindu symbols. The saffron is the official color of Hinduism and the saffron flag is the official flag of Hindus.
  17. Contribution: Yoga, Pranayama, meditation, Ayurveda, vegetarianism, and meditation are the best gifts of Hinduism to the world. Tantric sex, Palmistry, acupressure, acupuncture, Jyotish Shastra, martial art, and many other ancient wonders originated in India and are parts of Hinduism Religion. Hinduism is the source of inspiration for three other major religions of the world viz. Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Zero, point system, and decimal system were invented in India. On the basis of which the modern science exists.
  18. Reincarnation: A soul dwells in every living thing. Body is mortal but the soul is immortal. When we die, our soul enters a new body and the cycle continues until we get salvation. If karma unresolved, soul is born into a new body; if karma resolved, attain moksa (liberation).
  19. Eating Habits: Most of the Hindus do not eat beef and/or pork. They also do not eat non-vegetarian food on auspicious days. Hinduism strongly advocates vegetarianism. Food is highly revered and wasting the food is considered as a very bad habit.
  20. Ultimate Reality: Brahman
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13y ago

1.) A god or gods may or may not exist

2.) people believe what they want to believe

3.) all religions lead to god

4.) science will lead us to god

5.) there are no common beliefs between hindus

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13y ago

There temple is a mandir. They don't have a god they believe in Brahman the creator of the universe. A murti is a very special guest at a ceremony in the mandir

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15y ago

Hinduism is a religion in India.

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HINDUISM IS BASED ON ABSOLUTE FACTS:Hinduism considers that facts are superior to beliefs. The supreme Hindu god Brahman is systematic representation of absolute and eternal facts.Science is based on transient and relative facts. In marked contrast, Brahman is absolute and eternal facts i.e. facts that does change with time, place or person.Hinduism can be decoded and understood completely. It even permits understanding creation of god.Therefore, there is absolutely no scope for false beliefs in Hinduism. It is for this reason that Hinduism allows its criticism to any extent.Most people take the literal meaning of Hindu beliefs and thus conclude that Hindu beliefs are false. They don't realize that beliefs are always symbolic.Therefore Hinduism is based on absolute and eternal facts and there is absolutely no scope for false beliefs in Hinduism.

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In modern world very few facts of Hinduism apply. Such as worshiping God &amp; Dharma (righteous living).

Believes in reincarnation and it holds cattle to be sacred?

No, you're thinking of Hinduism. The facts about each religion can be viewed at the links below.

What two religions that started in India affected other cultures today?

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Who is the founder of Hinduism?

There is no founder of Hinduism.

Did Hinduism develop before Judiasm?

yes Hinduism is the older than the Judiasm ,The facts what lead me to the conclusion is the finding of the swastika and Lord Shiva Ling in the harrappa civilization which dates back to 3300 bce Hindu scripture tells about dates back to 15000bce but no convincing physical proof have been found yet . So tht leads me to Hinduism is the oldest of all religon..

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indias major religion is Hinduism

What do you call a follower of Hinduism?

Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.