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They aren't all "feasts." Yom Kippur is a solemn fast day. All the others, in addition to their festive meals, are marked by prayers and Torah-readings.

  • Shabbat - every Saturday (beginning Friday at sunset)
  • Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year
  • Yom Kippur - fast day, Day of Atonement
  • Sukkot - Tabernacles
  • Shemini Atzeret
  • Pesach - Passover
  • Seventh day of Pesach
  • Shavuot - Feast of Weeks; Yom HaBikurim

Each festival has its specific laws:

  • On Rosh Hashanah, the shofar (ram's horn) is blown, to mark the beginning of the Jewish year.
  • Yom Kippur is a fast day on which Jews pray for forgiveness for all their sins. No eating, drinking, or bathing is allowed. Wearing leather shoes is also prohibited.
  • On Sukkot Jews eat all their meals in outdoor arbor-canopied booths (Sukkah) in order to commemorate the Israelites' wanderings in the desert. Some will also sleep in the Sukkah. During the morning prayers on these days, we take the 4 minim consisting of a Lulav (young palm branch), an Etrog (Citrus Medica; citron), three Haddassim (Myrtle branches) and two Aravot(willow branches).
  • On Pesach leavened bread, cakes, pasta etc. are forbidden and unleavened Matzah is substituted. Passover begins with the Seder-meal commemorating and retelling the story of the Exodus. Matzah and ceremonial foods are eaten at the Seder.
  • On Shavuot the custom is to stay up all night studying Torah to mark the date that God gave the Ten Commandments.
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Q: What are the eight feasts found in Leviticus 23?
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Where is Yom Kippur found in the Bible?

Leviticus 16:29 and 23:27

When did Leviticus Chapter 23 take place?

Traditional chronology places Leviticus 23 in 1312 BCE. See also the Related Link.More about the contents of Leviticus 23

How long is Passover celebrated for in Israel?

Seven days, compared to eight in the Diaspora.

Who invented sukkot?

God (Leviticus ch.23).

Why was leaven barred from sacrificial feasts?

It was not. Leaven was barred from all meal-offerings(Leviticus ch.2) with one exception (ibid. ch.23). I don't know of a simple reason; but on a slightly esoteric note, leaven symbolizes the Evil Inclination (Talmud, Berakhot 17a).

What makes a weekly abbath a high day?

According to the Book of Leviticus God of Israel gave them a number of feasts that are holy convocations or holy assembles. There are seven feast days, they are found in Leviticus 23:4-44.The seven feasts are usually listed as:PassoverUnleavened BreadWave SheafPentecostTrumpetsAtonementTabernaclesThere are also seven yearly Sabbaths, which God commands Israel to keep as holy convocation or holy assembles.The seven yearly Sabbaths are:First Unleavened BreadSecond Unleavened BreadPentecostTrumpetsAtonementTabernaclesWhat makes the commandment weekly Sabbath a high day is when one of the yearly Sabbaths aliens and coincides with the weekly Sabbath, this is what makes a weekly Sabbath a high day or great day.Last Day

Who was founder of Shavuot?

God, in the Torah (Leviticus ch.23).

When was the first celebration of sukkot?

In the wilderness (Leviticus ch.23).

What are the release dates for The Chew - 2011 Fabulous Fall Feasts - 3.11?

The Chew - 2011 Fabulous Fall Feasts - 3.11 was released on: USA: 23 September 2013

What Jewish celebrations are there and when are they?

The "Jewish celebrations" are listed in Leviticus 23.The Bible calls them the "Feasts of the Lord"... not the "Jews":"...say unto them, Concerning the Feasts of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations [assemblies], even these are My Feasts." (Lev.23:2)However, the Jews are, primarily, the only ones keeping them today, with a smattering of others who recognize them as all "Christ-centered" observances [Jesus Christ, being the Creator God of the Old Testament who made all things - John 1:3].Besides the weekly seventh-day Sabbath... the "annual feasts" in Leviticus 23 are also called "Sabbaths" or "High Day Sabbaths."They are divided into two seasonal groups; 1)- the spring or early harvest season: The Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost. And 2)- the fall or latter day harvest season: the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.There are seven of them... and they reveal the "plan of God" to those with the eyes to see. But WHEN they fall varies each year... because God's year begins in the "Spring" [when life begins anew] -- which may be early or late from year to year.The world today doesn't set its clocks by God's time table... but some calendars may have the "Jewish" celebrations included on them... and the Internet has many an offering on it to track down when they fall in any given year.There are other "celebrations" which the Jews have instituted as the generations passed... and some are recorded in some of the Bible's historical accounts. But the ones that God commands of His people are found in Leviticus 23.

What are the release dates for The Chew - 2011 Fabulous Fall Feasts 3-11?

The Chew - 2011 Fabulous Fall Feasts 3-11 was released on: USA: 23 September 2013

Where was Yom Kippur originated?

Yom Kippur is from the Torah (Leviticus ch.23).