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The teaching and example of the life of Christ as recorded in the New Testament of The Bible as filtered by the convocation of Nicene.

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Q: What are the doctrines of the roman catholic eastern orthodox and protestant churches are all based on?
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What are the doctrines of the roman catholic eastern orthodox and protestant churches based on?

The teaching and example of the life of Christ as recorded in the New Testament of The Bible as filtered by the convocation of Nicene.

What doctrines of the Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches are all based on the?

The teaching and example of the life of Christ as recorded in the New Testament of The Bible as filtered by the convocation of Nicene.

Are churches that start with St. mean they are Catholic churches?

No. Many Protestant and Orthodox churches also name their parishes for saints.

What 2 churches emerged from the schism in the Christian church?

the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church

What are the different kind of churches in Romania?

The majority of churches and monasteries in Romania are orthodox. But there are many Catholic or Protestant churches. Do not miss even a few synagogues and mosques.

Are orthodox parishioners Catholic?

They depends on whether you meant to capitalize Orthodox or not. The Orthodox Church is not Catholic, they split from the Catholic Church officially in the 12th century. If you orthodox as believing in the Church doctrines, then that is the only kind of parishioner that is a real Catholic. Anyone who is not orthodox in his belief, is by definition, heterodox, otherwise known as a protestant, even if they still maintain nominal membership in the Catholic Church.

What churches came directly out of the Catholic Church?

All Protestant denominations had their origins in the Catholic Church. Some of them broke directly from the Catholic Church, such as Anglicans and Lutherans. Others eventually split from the original Protestant denominations such as the Baptists, Puritans (Congregationalists), Methodists, etc., to form their own sects. The Orthodox Churches were part of the original Catholic Church but split with them in the Great Schism of 1054 due to doctrinal differences. However, members of the Orthodox Churches are not considered as Protestant denominations.

How do Christians use icons to help them pray?

Only Catholic and Orthodox Churches use statues and pictures of Jesus or of the saints to help them pray. Protestant Churches do not, considering the use of icons akin to idolatory.

What is the title or clergy for chrisianity?

In Catholic & Orthodox Churches, clergy can be priests, monks, bishops, etc. In most Protestant denominations, they are ministers.

Christians who were members of non-catholic churches were considered?

According to the Catholic Church, members of the orthodox Churches are technically schismatics, because they do not recognize the pope but have the same basic beliefs. Protestants are technically heretics because they do not believe certain doctrines of the Catholic Church.

What churches do infant baptism?

The Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches practice infant baptism, as do Anglicans, some Presbyterians and Lutherans, and various other Protestant denominations, including many 'non-denominational' churches. Among less traditional Protestants, baptism practices often vary church-by-church.

Do the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church buildings differ?

I see a lot of domes on Orthodox churches but rarely see them on Catholic churches.