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There are three basic theories concerning creation- young earth creation, old earth creation, and no creation at all. "No creation" can be divided into three groups:

  • Traditional Darwinism- in which descendants of organisms are born with traits to help them where their parents struggled. (This theory lacks basic understanding of genetics and has been discredited in scientific circles.)
  • Neo-Darwinism- the theory that mutations are born with randomly selected traits, the unfavorable of which are culled by natural selection, thus propagating those species with favorable traits.
  • Punctuated Equilibrium- the theory that there are long periods without evolution accented with short periods of rapid evolutionary progress. (A naturalistic mechanism for this has yet to be fully explained, so this theory usually only accompanies new age and other cosmic humanistic beliefs.)
Old earth creation has the highest number of theories, but three very popular ones are explained here:
  • Theistic Evolution- similar to Neo-Darwinism, but it replaces natural selection with God as the determiner of favorable species.
  • Day-Age Theory- again, similar to Neo-Darwinism and Theistic Evolution, but it places the order of evolved organisms in the same order as recorded in Genesis.
  • Gap Theory- the belief that Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 are millions of years apart. First, when it says God created the heavens and the earth, He did so through theistic evolution. When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, he created a natural disaster called the "luciferan flood" that wiped out life on earth. God then repopulated the earth through traditional creationist means.
Young earth creation includes things like Biblical Creation that say that God created the earth in a very short period of time supernaturally, without the use of evolution. The identity of God in all of these theories is not agreed upon, because these are origins beliefs, not theological ones.
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