During regular prayers, Muslims stand with their right hand over their left and recite verses from the Quran. They also bow and prostrate, saying "Praise be to God the Mighty" and "Praise be to God the Most High". Christians, to my understanding, kneel and put their hands together. This, however, is more similar to "dua" in Islam. When making dua, Muslims kneel and raise their hands palm-up.
During "mass" for Christians or "jumaa" for Muslims, the priest or imam stands at the front of the group and gives a sermon, or "khutba". When the sermon is over, the people pray together with the priest or imam leading them.
As you can see, these are very similar methods of prayer.
Muslim know that jesus p.b.u.h is alive,but the christian believe that he z died>>>>>>
Christians know that Jesus Christ died, was buried, rose again, then ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.He will sit on the Throne of David.I will never presume to speak for Muslims.
Its a form of worship.Muslims pray five times a day .Prayer is what distinguishes between a believer and a disbeliever.
There is no difference, it's two different words for the same thing.
The building for a Muslim prayer is called a Mosque
To exorcise means:- "To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer". If the Muslim man were possessed by an evil spirit then a Christian priest would be as capable as an Muslim imam of expelling it, but the Muslim may feel more comfortable seeking help from his mosque rather than a church.
The Muslim's and Christian's both go for prayer
One Christian prayer that many religions use is found also in the Bible, it's the Our Father prayer.
No. That is a Christian prayer.
imam or Sheikh
Yes, it is preferred for Muslim women, as for men, to go to Friday prayer in the mosques especially if there is no concern about their safety.
Prayer beads are found in Catholic,Buddist and Muslim religions.