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Catholicism and Mormonism (technically the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are two different Christian denominations. With all Christians, both Mormons and Catholics share the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind, and that the Bible is sacred Scripture. Catholics and Mormons also share thes additional beliefs that they are a continuation of the original New Testament Christianity and that Baptism is essential for salvation. Catholics and Mormons also have a similar hierarchial structure and organization which has been based on the Biblical model. Both churches often work together in service and humanitarian projects as well as in supporting traditional Biblical morals in society.

Catholics and Mormons both have a very detailed theology and doctrine, so as far as differences go we will just cover the basics:

-First, the base of the Catholic Church is at the Vatican in Rome, and the Pope is the living head of the Church, who operates under the direction of Jesus Christ. The base of the Mormon Church is at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, and the Prophet is the living head of the Church, who operates under the direction of Jesus Christ.

-The Catholic Church believes that their priesthood authority continues in an unbroken line back to Peter in the New Testament. The Mormon Church believes that this priesthood authority was lost and was restored to Joseph Smith by John the Baptist, Peter, James, John the Revelator, and others.

-The Catholic Church believes in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity - that is, that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one being - as per the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. The Mormon Church believes that the creeds are incorrect and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three individual beings working together in perfect harmony.

-The Catholic Church has a tradition of honoring saints and sometimes using these saints as mediators between God and man. Mormons believe that all true believers are saints and that everyone may develop their own personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

-The Catholic Church believes that the Bible (including the Apochryphal books) is the only book of scripture. Mormons use the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price as scripture. The Apochrypha is believed to be inspired but containing too many errors to be scriptural. Mormons also study the words of modern church leaders as inspired words from God.

-Catholics baptize children as infants, Mormons believe that a baptism is not needed or valid until one is old enough to understand, and will not baptize anyone under the age of eight.

-Catholics believe that those who are not baptized before death will not be saved. Mormons believe that if a baptism is vicariously performed for the dead, the deceased person will have the opportunity to accept it and thereby be saved.

-Catholics have a tradition of nuns and monks - those who have set aside the things of the world (including marriage and family) in service to God. The Mormon tradition of missionary service is comparable, but is a temporary activity of only one to three years rather than a lifetime commitment.

-Catholics claim over 1,214,000,000 (1.2 billion) baptized members worldwide. Mormons claim just over 14,500,000 (14.5 million) baptized members worldwide.

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Roman Catholic AnswerCatholicism is the religion that grew out of Judaism, it is "fulfilled Judaism", if you will. Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ was the Messiah that God had been promising the Jews for thousands of years. Catholicism was founded by Our Blessed Lord on St. Peter, and the original Christian Church was entirely composed of Jews who accepted Him as their Messiah. For the past two thousand plus years, it has followed Our Blessed Lord and His Instructions. Mormonism is a cult that was formed by Joseph Smith in the early 19th century in the United States.
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