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Primarily The Bible is God's revelation of himself through history. The Bible starts at Creation (what we would call the 'Big bang') and progresses through the history of the fledgeling Jewish nation and God's revelation of himself to them through the prophets and the first covenant between God and humans in that God would promise to look after and love his people. Ultimately the Bible completes God's revelation through the second covenant - the second agreement between God and us - in the form of Jesus - the ultimate manifestation of God's love. Finally, the Bible finishes with the end of the world when jesus returns as judge.

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The Bible is a Holy book that tells us about God and how us sinners can draw close to him, because he loves us and has given us his son, Jesus, that we might not perish, but rather be saved.

The Bible contains the history, the prophecy and the prayers and songs of God's people.

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Q: What are the characteristics of the Bible?
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