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The benefits of interpreting prophetic oracles, such as those in the Book of Isaiah, outside their original historical situation is that by this means you can make The Bible mean whatever you want it to mean. In particular, if you can show an Old Testament passage as being a prophecy of Jesus, you can use this to strengthen your own faith and influence others.

The danger of this is that you are creating truth by being dishonest. It is also a game that others can play, so just as a Christian can use an oracle from the Old Testament in support of Christian beliefs, an Muslim can use this oracle or another in support of his own beliefs, to influence wavering Christians.

Answer 2

Additionally, Biblical prophesy can be applied to present day circumstances that are not necessarily in line with the actual intent of the verse to promote conflict and strife. For example, a number of Christian sects apply Anti-Christ prophecies to Mohammed and the Muslims, which makes political and cultural reconciliation much more difficult.

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Q: What are the benefits and the dangers of interpreting prophetic oracles outside their original historical situations?
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