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the Taize community is part of the ecumenical movement. so there aims are to bring all the divisions of the christian church together as one.

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Q: What are the aims of the taize community?
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What happens in the taize community?

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Which Christian values do Taize promote?

The Taize promote unity among Churches. They have particular camping period where other churches join for activities.

Why do pilgrims go to Taize?

Cause their homosexuals!

What does Taiz mean?

Taiz or Taizz (tä-ēz') [key], city (1994 pop. 317,753), S Yemen, in the interior highlands. It is an agricultural marketing center, particularly for coffee, and the focus of trade routes. Taiz was the administrative capital of Northern Yemen 1948 to 1962. It is the seat of an important Muslim theological school and the former royal palace. A Brief History of Taize In 1940, when World War II started, A Swiss Protestant, Brother Roger, founded the order of Taize. Taize is a tiny community just north of Cluny in the southeastern part of France. Brother Roger and other Protestant and Catholic brothers developed a monastic prayer cycle of silence,In Taizé, France, the Brothers of the Community of Taizé lead ecumenical worship services consisting of meditative singing, meditative readings, and silent meditations. This unique and deeply moving form of worship seeks to unite and inspire people of all ages and Christian faiths.Taize Prayer gathering mixes musical chant and silence • is the official site of the TaizeCommunity. It includes history, community information and song in streaming format. • is a retail site for Taize music. • has videos of large Taize Prayer gatherings.

Why do you go to taize?

You go to Taizé for the silence, rest and the love of God.

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It is funded by the Catholic community in England and Wales, the UK government and the general public by donations.

How many people live in taize Yemen?

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What is the difference between Mecca and the Taize pilgrimage?

The Mecca pilgrimage is a mandated (for all Muslims able to make the journey) pilgrimage, or hajj, of Islam. It includes many rituals that are related to the prophets Abraham (Ibrahim) and Muhammad, peace be upon them.The Taize pilgrimage is a non-mandatory ecumenical Christian pilgrimage for peace and justice through prayer and meditation. About 100,000 young (mostly 17 - 30 years of age) people from all over the world, journey to Taize, saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. Through prayer, Bible study, sharing, and communal work, they are encouraged to live in the spirit of kindness, simplicity and reconciliation. This pilgrimage has become known as the Pilgrimage of Trust. The Taize Community attempts to empower pilgrims to establish root movements of a Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth, in their own local groups or communities at home.

What are the aims and objectives of o2?

to be able to help people wityh their phone and provide aq safe enviromentalk community

How do you pronounce taize?

Referring to the town in France and the style of prayer that originated there, it is tay-zay.