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This is quite wrong, for Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, and there are no advantages for breaking this vow. if this isn't the answer you are looking for, make your question clearer.

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Q: What are the advantages for married Catholic priest?
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Should a parish priest be married?

It depends on what kind of parish. If he is Catholic, then no, he can not marry because he is already "married" to mother church. However, if he is an Ipiscable priest and is married, but deciedes to become Catholic, then he may be a married Catholic priest.

Who was the first Catholic Priest that was married?

There are many priests who got married. Martin Luther is one of the most well known priest who got married.

Can a married man be a Catholic priest?

Yes, if he had been married and had been a priest in a similar religion - Orthodox or Anglican. He may keep his wife when he becomes a Catholic priest. A Catholic man who is a widower can also become a priest but may not remarry.

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When did St. Patrick get married?

St. Patrick was a Catholic priest and bishop. He did not get married.

Can a Catholic couple be married in a hall by a priest?

In short, yes.

Can a Roman Catholic be married anywhere other than in a Catholic Church and be conforming with Canonical form?

No, Roman Catholics are required to be married in a Catholic Church, by a Catholic priest.

Does a Catholic have to marry in the presence of a priest or deacon?

Yes, if married in a Catholic ceremony to be valid in the Catholic Church. However, if proper papers are filled out and non Catholic party agrees to vows of catholic party and catholic requirements about raising children, permanent marriage, etc., then Catholic may be married in protestant church without priest being present. Contact a priest for further details

If married can you be a priest?

In the Roman Catholic Church, it is required that a priest be celibate. This is to keep the priest from being distracted from doing God's will as a priest. However, if an Anglican or Orthodox priest who is married converts to Catholicism he is able to become a Catholic priest and keep his wife. In the Eastern Catholic Church though, the priests are allowed to marry though. Lutheran and Episcopalian Priests are allowed to marry as well.

What is the name of the present pope of the Catholic Church's wife?

Pope Francis is a Catholic priest and not married.

Did Oscar Romero marry?

Oscar Romero was a priest and bishop and was never married.

Can i be in a catholic wedding if i m not catholic?

*If you are not a Catholic, you cannot be married by a Catholic priest or in a Catholic church. * You need to check that answer above because i don't think you are right. Non Catholics can get married in the Catholic Church. One partner has to be a Catholic and the other should be a baptised Christian but ideally the couple should contact their local priest.