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the Hindu holy book is called the Vedas.

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Q: What are the Hindu scriptures called?
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What are Hindu scriptures called?

They are called 1.Vedas or Shruthis; 2.Puranas, 3, Upanishads, 4.Ethihasas.

What was the name of the first sacred writing in Hinduism?

the earliest Hindu scriptures were the vedas

Are Hindu scriptures important and beneficial to Hinduism?

yes. Like any other religious scriptures, they teach people to understand their purpose of life and how to lead it.

What can hindus eat instead?

According to Hinduism Scriptures Hindu can eat any vegetables and fruits. Hindu is strictly forbidden to eat beef. However some Hindu are allowed to eat meat.

What is the early Hindu religion called?

The early Hindu religion is known as Vedic religion or Vedic Hinduism. It originated in ancient India around 1500 BCE and was based on the early Vedic texts, known as the Vedas, which were considered sacred and authoritative scriptures.

Can you be a Hindu and a Christian?

AnswerNo. Hindus and Chriatians believe in different gods and follow different scriptures.

Which of these poems has a part called the Bhagavad Gita which is an important Hindu scripture?

The important Scriptures of Hinduism which you are asking about is called Mahabharata. It is an epic poem & war story between warriors.

How did Hindu god yama come about?

Lord yama is the lord of death. He is the most powerful lord According to some Hindu Scriptures. He is said to be a a part of Lord Shiva.

How is Animal Sacrifice justified in Vedas or Hindu Scriptures?

None of the Vedas or Hindu scriptures describe, prescribe, profess or permit, allow or justify animal sacrifice.It was in medieval ages certain distortions in the scriptures were made and some interpretations were designed to suit and got incorporated to meet the selfish interests and ideologies of a few groups which has been practiced partially blinded

Are written words in the Bible called scriptures?

The bible IS the scriptures.

What is the Hindu pilgrimage called?

Hindu pilgrimage is called Teertha-Yatra.

What is a Hindu lute called?

A Hindu lute is also called a sitar.